The second season of Amazon Prime's The Boys ending with a bang, offering a satisfying ending to the sophmore season, especially when it came to the ...
Plus, we’ll get to see the Rocky Mountains, travel through the southwest, and Florida, and the eastern seaboard, and we’ll visit the National Mall and Freedom Tower, eat po’ boys, walk on Boston Commons, snorkle, and who knows what else. Maybe I’ll even get to finish this damn ...
Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window) More Loading... FeaturedCategories ReviewTags Lottie Dolls53 Comments on Lottie, a Doll to Inspire Our Little Girls How to Make a Star Wars Skirt for Girls and Boys Getting Star Wars tops ...
Each season is both ranked and described (with no spoilers) below, so you can happily share the list with newbies to the show or remain unspoiled on the seasons you haven’t seen. And because people love arguing about rankings, I’m sure you’ll want to tell us how wrong we are. You...
Amazon Prime’s latest comic book adaptation, The Boys is set to drop on the streaming network this Friday and from the looks of the final NSFW trailer, it’s going to drop like a ton of bricks. Admittedly, I only read the first volume of The Boys before it started feeling a little ...
^Bungie (2018/9/4),Destiny 2:Forsaken,Awakening ^Bungie (2018/9/4),Destiny 2:Forsaken,Last Wish ^Bungie (2023/11/28),Destiny 2:Season of the Wish-Final Wish ^ ...
I only included more recent shows (hence the absence of The Brady Bunch boys), and included both half- and step-brothers (but not brothers-in-law). I also did not include brothers when one of them is only in a handful of episodes. For example, Seeley Booth’s brother Jared is only ...
Oh, and while we’re on the subject, some kind soul on the AG subreddit shared a link to this “short
I thought if I could write some rather good bad books, it would help with the boys’ education.’‘Good bad books?’‘Yes. Not very good books, you know, but good of a second-rate kind. That’s all I could do,’ she said gravely. So in time her first story went to Adrian, wh...
Someone asked the question on Reddit of whether the New Testament Gospels were anonymous. Here is the answer I provided. My own view is that they were anonymous in the same way that most ancient works were originally and in most copies. In Judaism the biblical texts were known by their fir...