英语故事 - 狼和七只小山羊 The Wolf and The Seven Little Goats 12.7万 116 03:54 App 英语故事 三只小猪 The Three Little Pigs 2375 0 00:32 App Wolf,wolf,wolf !Shepherd boy is lying狼来了 4.2万 85 02:07 App 【2分钟一个英文童话小故事】The Boy who Cried Wolf 《狼来了》 1.3万 4...
今天一起来读的是 Readings A-Z Level E, 12. The Boy Who Cried Wolf ("狼来了")著名的”狼来了“的故事,相信小朋友应该都很了解故事的来龙去脉—— 今天我们来读一读英文版的 ”狼来了“怎样描述的吧?[欢迎订阅-其他分级阅读课程请参考我的其他书单- 学习计划/建议和催
One day, a boy was watching over his sheep. He was very bored. He wanted to play a trick. "Help! Wolf!" cried the boy. The people of the town ran to help. There was no wolf. The boy laughed. The next week he did it again. "Help! Wolf!" cried the boy. ...
The Billionaire Boy by:Fiona的英语故事屋 1684 The Boy from the Woods by:AK创客 483 The Conspiracy-Jon Boy by:嘻哈有态度 198 the Boy from Paris by:Matchbox火柴盒子 5177 The Book of Boy by:EvanZeng 2111 The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind ...
英语寓言故事,狼来了The boy who cried wolf,教育我们教育我们不要撒,说谎者即使说真话也不被相信。故答案为The boy who cried wolf taught us not to scatter.Liars are not believed even when they speak the truth。 一个牧童,在一个村子的边上放羊,他三番四次地喊"狼来了",村民听到后都跑出来帮他,...
E73 The boy who cried “wolf!” 英文版狼来的故事,中英文字母。非常适合英语启蒙。#英语口语 #英语绘本阅读 #英语启蒙 #RAZ是英语自学主线阅读的天花板,RAZ总共26个级别,题材包罗万象,像一套完整的百科全书。英语阅读习惯要从低年级开始养起,RAZ就是累积词汇量、进行英语启蒙的最佳选择。有需要的可点赞关注并...
'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' 原文讲述了一个顽皮的男孩经常谎称狼来了捉弄村民,当真正的狼出现时,没有人相信他,导致许多羊被狼杀死。男孩最终学到了教训,不再恶作剧。 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' 故事原文呈现 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf' 是一个流传广泛的寓言故事,其...
The boy who cried wolfA shepherd boy tended his master's sheep neara dark forest not far from the village. Soon hefound life in the pasture very dull. All he coulddo to amuse himself was to talk to his dog orplay on his shepherd's pipe.One day as he sat watching the sheep and ...
E-73The Boy Who Cried Wolf! 622024-02 3 E-74What's for Dinner 492024-02 4 E-75The Brothers G 432024-02 5 E-76Too Much Work! 902024-02 6 E-77Maddy Loves to March 622024-02 7 E-78Happy Birthday Snag! 382024-02 8 E-79Wake Up Bear! 472024-02 9 E-80Tiny Tugboat 622024-02 ...
狼来了 The Boy Who Cried ‘Wolf’ | 伊索寓言 1 / 1 There was once a young Shepherd Boy who tended his sheep at the foot of a mountain near a dark forest. It was rather lonely for him all day, so he thought upon a plan by which he could get a little company and some ...