9、Whenhewasasmallboy,hecou1dhumsongsanddifficultpofmusic. 10、HeWfirstprizeinhisgroup. 五.【课后反思】(教师寄语:Neverdothingsbyhalves.) 通过本节课的习我最大的收获是___ 感到自己有待加强的是___ 编号:NQ45班级小组姓名小组评价教师评价 第三课时Unit9SectionBla—2c(总第45课时) 【习目标】1.进...
Black Mask deciding that the scenery needed to be chewed. He would not be one upped by the manic Harley Quinn and boy did he take it to Jeremy Irons levels and you will hate his character for it. Chris Messina (Argo, Devil) also decided this was the direction to go with his take o...