Why is White Fang a classic? Why was White Fang's mom not with her pack in the novel White Fang? What causes White Fang to go after the hawk in the book White Fang? Why does White Fang come crawling back to Beaver in the novel White Fang?
Did Gray Beaver pet White Fang in the book White Fang? How is White Fang separated from his mother in the book White Fang? Does White Fang make it back to the Indians in the book White Fang? How did White Fang almost die in White Fang?
所属专辑:white fang 猜你喜欢 1.2万 THE BOOK by:非鱼Hz 3.7万 The Foot Book by:读乐儿 3147 The Foot Book by:鹅妈妈英语启蒙 2299 The Business Book by:凉凉水晶 2.1万 The mommy book by:唐唐_Tammy 554 The Note Book by:詩情劍氣
White Fang (白牙),主人公是一只有四分之一狗的血统的小狼白牙。 白牙在幼年时跟随母亲返回印第安人的村落,虽然摆脱了弱肉强食的荒野世界,却不得不面对狗类相残的严酷竞争和人类的粗野对待。遇到第二个主人后,白牙被训练成了一只多疑、残忍的战狼,对一切都充满仇恨
Define white. white synonyms, white pronunciation, white translation, English dictionary definition of white. n. 1. The achromatic color of maximum lightness; the color of objects that reflect nearly all light of all visible wavelengths; the complement o
helped in the development of a special father-son bond and how that relationship grew first throughout Wessel’s childhood, then during his tenure as a football player-turned coach, and finally once he was a dad himself. This book offers the perfect father-son story for any sports aficio...
helped in the development of a special father-son bond and how that relationship grew first throughout Wessel’s childhood, then during his tenure as a football player-turned coach, and finally once he was a dad himself. This book offers the perfect father-son story for any sports aficio...
野性的呼唤 英文原版小说 The Call of The Wild and White Fang 白牙英文版书 杰克伦敦动物小说 正版进口书籍 轻巧便携 外国文学精品 人性解读 现实主义 分享配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:0元起 服务支持退换 · 7天无理由退货 · 收货后结算 参数 纸质; 版本 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 质量...
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