途中,兒子也不幸逝世,就剩下Liesel獨自前往養父母的家中。養父母都年紀不輕,養父Hans是個慈祥的老伯,養母Rosa是個面惡心善的人。一開始,Liesel是打算逃走找回自己的母親的,可後來,她漸漸融入了天堂街的生活。 不懂字的Liesel,被鄰家小孩Rudy帶到學校。雖然她因為不懂字被取笑,可在Hans的教育之下,她漸漸學會了文字...
同时,Liesel在小镇中还认识了很多好朋友,包括养父母冒着生命危险收留的犹太青年Max,挚友Rudy Steiner以及镇长夫人Ilsa Hermann。但随着战争的进行,她所拥有的这一切美好事物最终都被夺走。 这本书之所以取名The Book Thief 是因为小女孩所拥有的14本书中有一部分是她偷来的,比如她的第二本书The Shoulder Shrug就是...
They paint more pages for him so that he can complete his book. The local Youth League’s new head has been elected, and he is a harsh man. Due to him, Liesel and Rudy leave Youth League and join their food-stealing gang. Liesel gets a book, and the Youth League’s leader throws...
Rudy is true blue where it concerns Liesel, he helps her steal books from the mayor's house and he is there to retrieve her book from the river, after it is thrown in by a bully. All he ever wanted from Liesel is a kiss, which he got as he laid dead on Himmel Street after the...
including the one for Ilsa Hermann. Meanwhile, Liesel and Rudy join a gang of youths who steal apples and potatoes from farmers. One night, Liesel takes Rudy to the mayor's house and earns her title of book thief when she sneaks in through the window and takesThe Whistlerfrom Ilsa Hermann...
Soldiers bring Rudy out of his house alive, buthe dies a few moments laterafter almost telling Liesel he loves her. Liesel begs him to wake up, and kisses him on the lips as a goodbye. Who all dies in the book thief? One night, while Liesel is in the basement editing her book, he...
2. InThe Book Thief,which is an example of the theme of Literacy and Power? Viktor and Franz are cruel to Rudy at various points in the novel. Liesel and Rudy give bread to Jews. The Hubermanns help to hide Max. Liesel steals a book from the Nazi book bonfire. ...
Hans and Rosa, on the other hand, are from the Anne of Green Gables School of Adoptive Parents - a Teutonic Matthew and Marilla - he, the kind-hearted pushover, she the frosty task-master with a soft, marzipan center. When Liesel and Rudy race through the streets of their painfully ...
《偷书贼》(The Book Thief)是 澳大利亚作家 马克斯·苏萨克 (Markus Zusak)著名反战小说讲述的是9岁小女孩莉赛尔和弟弟在战乱中被迫送到寄养家庭,但弟弟不幸死在旅途中,莉赛尔在弟弟冷清的丧礼后偷了一本掘墓工人的手册,为的是要纪念自己永远失去的家庭。 寄养家庭位于 慕尼黑凋蔽贫困的区域,大人彼此仇恨咒骂,老师狠...
0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 论文--期刊/会议论文 文档标签: TheBookThief是什么打动了死神的灵魂_ 系统标签: 死神打动book灵魂lieselrudy /\Classics Z兹 斓蘸j嗲吣1 箩1剥 F1一 How many had actively persecuted others.岫onthe scenl ofHider sgaze, repeating his sentences.hi...