Zeus's master lightning bolt has been stolen, and Percy is the prime suspect. Now, he and his friends have just ten days to find and return Zeus's stolen property and bring peace to a warring Mount Olympus. Some of the biggest names in the comic book industry join forces with series c...
邪恶阵营派出了残忍的秃鹫女神和暴虐的狒狒军团,恶魔们一路追杀到阿莫斯叔叔的防守宫殿……象征着毁灭的巨蛇即将现身!为了对抗即将袭来的永世黑暗,卡特和萨蒂必须找到早已失传的《拉之书》 (the Book of Ra) ,参透复活魔法的秘密,并用古老魔咒唤醒沉睡千年的太阳神…… 而拯救世界的时间,只有七天! 3. The Serpent...
The Lightning Thief: Book Summary & Characters from Chapter 1 / Lesson 23 48K 'The Lightning Thief' puts a modern spin on the Greek myth concept of demigods. Peek into the world created by Rick Riordan through a plot summary and description of the main characters. Related...
《预售 波西·杰克逊与神火之盗 Rick Riordan 波西杰克逊系列小说第一部 英文原版 The Lightning Thief》,作者:预售 波西·杰克逊与神火之盗 Rick Riordan 波西杰克逊系列小说第一部 英文原版 The Lightning ThiefRICK RIORDAN 著,出版社:Hyperion,ISBN:9780786838653
《The Lightning Thief》,中文名《闪电窃贼》,是Rick Riordan所著的一部备受青少年喜爱的奇幻小说,也是“波西·杰克逊与奥林匹斯神”系列的首部作品。这部作品以其独特的视角和丰富的想象力,将古希腊神话与现代生活巧妙结合,为读者呈现了一个既熟悉又神秘的世界。小说自出版以来,便迅速风...
The Lightning Thief: The Graphic Novel.The article reviews the book "The Lightning Thief: The Graphic Novel," by Rick Riordan, Robert Venditti, Attila Futaki and Jose Villarrubia.EBSCO_bspPublishers Weekly
The Lightning Thief的创作者· ··· 雷克·莱尔顿作者 作者简介· ··· 雷克•莱尔顿,当今世界最畅销青少年图书男作家,与罗琳、梅尔比肩。 早年是一位英文老师及小提琴演奏者,教职达15年之久,非常了解青少年的心理现实和生活现实,也很有教育经验。他同时是两个男孩的父亲。 他将神话角色...
'The Lightning Thief' puts a modern spin on the Greek myth concept of demigods. Peek into the world created by Rick Riordan through a plot summary and description of the main characters. The Lightning Thief The Lightning Thief is a book for young adults written by author Rick Riordan. It...
The Lightning Thief神火之盗 英文原版 Rick RiordanYou ve read the book. You ve seen the movie. Now submerge yourself into the thrilling, stunning, and action-packed graphic novel. Mythological monsters and the gods of Mount Olympus seem to be walking out of the pages of twelve-year-old ...
神火之盗 The Lightning Thief Vol. 1-6 英文纸质 现货速发 第一册裴玉外语学习专营店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.1 低 物流履约: 4.1 中 售后服务: 4.4 中 手机下单 进店逛逛 | 关注店铺 关注 举报 企业购更优惠 神火之盗 The Lightning Thief Vol. 1-6 英文纸质 现货速发 第一册 京东...