The Book of the Law Found - Josiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem thirty-one years. His mother’s name was
首先,法之书(The Book of the Law)是禁止任何人向其他人解读的,包括但不限于各种牧师,教授,哲学家等等,所有法之书最后都会附上一段short comment,也被称为Tunis Comment,用很严厉的语句明确了这一点。这么做的目的,就是防止法之书教条化,防止有人利用自己的权威和优势垄断解释权。每个人都必须依靠自己去学习...
《法之书》(The Book of the Law)由Aleister Crowley在1904年获得,其起源源于克劳利在埃及开罗旅行期间的神秘经历。在与新婚妻子Rose Kelly的互动中,Rose的一系列非逻辑行为引导克劳利前往Boulak博物馆。在博物馆,Rose指认了一个编号为666的文物,这件文物后来成为一切的起点。随着进一步的指引,克劳利...
法之书(The Book of the Law)由神秘主义者Aleister Crowley于1904年通过妻子Rose Kelly的媒介而获得。此书由三位神明的口吻阐述,包括无限空间的Nuit、奇点的Hadit以及它们结合后的产物Ra-Hoor-Khuit。这三个神明代表了阴性无限、阳性集中以及通过爱的结合所诞生的可能性。在获得法之书后,克劳利最初...
The Book of the LawRed Wheel Weiser / 2004-03-01出版 想读 在读 读过 豆瓣评分TM打开App评分 8.6 19人评分短评 打开App写短评 [註銷了]2019-10-02 15:41:44 把它当做破碎的诗歌来看。其实里面的信息也是对应塔罗牌和灵数啦。了解不深,不太明白为什么指出宗派主义产生根源(当然不一定准... 展开 2 ...
...的声音(背后灵)述说的东西写下来,这本书就是著名的律法之书(The Book of the Law)。|基于9个网页 3. 法律的书 不论是真的有所谓的神秘传送或他自己所创造行动,法律的书(The Book of the Law)是一个卓越的文件。它之卓越是用隐秘 … ...
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. 行汝欲行之事,此为律法之全部。 The study of this Book is forbidden. It is wise to destroy this copy after the first reading. 禁止研习此「书(Book)」。初读之后即销毁此书为明智之举。
Liber AL的精髓在于那句永恒的教诲:"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."这句话强调,每个人应遵循自己的内心意愿,因为这便是宇宙的法则。而另一句"Love is the Law, love under will"则揭示了爱的力量,它在自我意志的引导下,成为连接万物的纽带。 法之书不仅是一本书...
Law's secrets revealed in whispers: Do what thou wilt holds power, and love serves as its foundation (Love is the law). Seek guidance from the Book, written by ANKH-F-N-KHONSU, with wisdom from Ra-Hoor-Khu. Priesthood entails understanding the dual nature, beyond words, as ...
9. Lurk! Withdraw! Upon them! this is the Law of the Battle of Conquest: thus shall my worship be about my secret house. 隐匿!后撤!突袭!这是「属于征服战争的律法(Law of the Battle of Conquest)」:则人们将在我隐秘的房舍周围崇拜我。