图书The Book of Lambspring 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
The book of the Duchess 《公爵夫人之书》 The Parliament of Flows 《百鸟议会》 The house of frame 《声誉之堂》 Troilus and Criseyde 《特罗勒斯与克丽西德》 The Canterbury Tales 《坎特伯雷故事》 William Shakespeare威廉姆莎士比亚 Romeo and Juliet 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 The Merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人...
e-book ed. 9780823455034 $11.99 Lamb, shy protagonist and one of several narrators, tells of growing up in 1940s Jackson, Mississippi, with her brother, Simeon, and Marion, their tough-as-nails mother, a talented and outspoken seamstress and closeted lesbian. Lamb keeps quiet, works hard, ...
愿我能缓缓躺下,小心枕放我的头 And gentle sleep the sleep of death, and gentle hear the voice 温柔的睡一个长眠并轻轻听见 Of Him that walketh in the garden in the evening time." 祂在夜晚走过花园的声音。」 The Lily of the valley breathing in the humble grass 山谷中的百合在谦卑的草叶里...
however, and had just settled me into the well-worn low armchair on one side of the fire, while he had curled down with his pipe in his mouth upon the opposite chair, when our visitor arrived. If I had said that a mad bull had arrived it would give a clearer impression of what occ...
The Book of Lambspring the Book of Lambspring 作者: Waite, Arthur Edward; Delphinas, Nicholas Bernaud; 页数: 42ISBN: 9781161571554豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 我来说两句 短评 ··· 热门 还没人写过短评呢 我要写书评 The Book of Lambspring the Bo...
掌阅小说网为您提供The Book of Snobs著的William Makepeace Thackeray小说,最新章节:CHAPTER I—THE SNOB PLAYFULLY DEALT WITH
查尔斯•兰姆(Charles Lamb,1775—1834),英国散文家,出生于英国伦敦。父亲是塞缪尔•索尔特律师的机要秘书。索尔特律师住在英国国玺街区,兰姆就出生在这里,并在这里长大。兰姆的祖母是费尔得女士,她是布莱克斯威尔(就是威尔街附近)的一名管家,也就是作者在《伊利亚散文集》和《莱斯特夫人的学校》中的“布莱克斯莫尔”...
Hullo! Good old index. You can't beat it. Listen to this, Watson. Vampirism in Hungary. And again, Vampires in Transylvania." He turned over the pages with eagerness, but after a short intent perusal he threw down the great book with a snarl of disappointment. ...