关于本书 书名:《The Book Of Ruby》 作者:How Collingbourne 页数:425 页 出版时间:2011-7-13 翻译完成时间:2019.01.13 简介:《The Book Of Ruby》是一本免费的 Ruby 编程高级教程。以 PDF 文件格式提供,并且每一个章节的所有例子都伴有可运行的源代码。
The Book of Ruby – FreePdfBook PDF 2019-08-20 上传 大小:4.00MB 所需: 9积分/C币 立即下载 天池2019广东工业智造创新大赛 布匹疵点检测 天池水也太深了 季军解决方案.zip 大创项目代码 立即下载 上传者: Qing__er 时间: 2025-02-28 VMware... 关于本书 书名:《The Book Of Ruby》 作者:How Collingbourne 页数:425 页 出版时间:2011-7-13 翻译完成时间:2019.01.13 简介:《The Book Of Ruby》是一本免费的 Ruby 编程高级教程。以 PDF 文件格式提供,并且每一个章节的所有例子都伴有可运行的源代码。
The Book of Rubydoi:10.1016/s1353-4858(11)70102-7H. CollingbourneCOLLINGBOURNE, H. The book of Ruby. [S.l.]: No Starch Press, 2011.
《The Little Book Of Ruby》 的作者 Huw Collingbourne 又一力作:《The Book Of Ruby》。將會在這幾個月內完成,每完成一章就會放到網頁上供下載(PDF 格式): 原來的 Little book 為 10 章 87 頁,這次已經增至 20 ...类似...
If you're reading this part of the book, I'm assuming coding isn't your job already and that you don't have all the free time in the world to tinker for fun. This is why it's important to start thinking about what you want to make or do with code. Programming is not just an...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《【预订】The Book of Ruby A Hands-On Guide for the Adventurous》,作者:Collingbourne,出版社:No Starch Press。最新《【预订】The Book of Ruby A Hands-On Guide for the Adventurous》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在
A Ruby programming tutorial for journalists, researchers, investigators, scientists, analysts and anyone else in the business of finding information and making it useful and visible. Programming experience not required, but provided.
The Book of Ruby is an in-depth introduction to Ruby, one of the world's most popular programming languages and the backbone of the acclaimed Ruby on Rails web application framework. With an emphasis on writing clear and maintainable code, author Huw Collingbourne takes readers from the most ...
grade in an all white school. This moving book captures the courage of a little girl standing alone in the face of racism."Ford's moving watercolor paintings...capture the...warmth of Ruby's family and community, the immense powers against her, and her shining inner strength." --Book...