King Shakir Vimeo The Lighthouse Island Unknown The Lone Cuke Unknown Obscure French CGI cartoon from 1993 whose airings are currently unclear even in the show's home country of France. Lucky Duck Unknown Was meant for US distribution, but an English dub is not known to have surfaced. ...
As a result, everything about the genre starts to feel stale. The stories were fresher twenty years ago. The lead stars were definitely fresher twenty years ago. The only thing that isn’t stale is the movie popcorn out in the lobby—and even that’s not a sure thing. This is obviousl...
It's remarkably easy for false-but-plausible images, video, and stories to be used to muddy the waters of a economic, social, and political conflicts. I'm honestly a bit surprised that we haven't yet seen clear examples of this happening in the current US presidential election (photoshopped...