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The Book of Nature MythsFlorenceHolbrookHOLBROOK, FLORENCE. The Book of Nature Myths. Boston, New York, Chicago: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1902. Pp. 1 + 215.
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of-doors that we call Nature; a race not yet understanding all things, not proud and boastful, but honest and childlike and fair; a simple, sincere, and gravely thoughtful people, willing to believe that there may be in even the everyday things of life something not yet fully understood;...
They would show us picture books of Paul Bunyan and we would make art based on Paul Bunyan. Things like that. 老师会给我们看有关保罗·班扬的图画书,我们要以保罗·班扬为基础做手工。 That's pretty amazing that he's so famous and just for making the Mississippi river. 他这么有名而且还创造...
Popular nature writer Gary Ferguson (Walking Down the Wild, Yellowstone Wolves) tells 60 wonderful stories from cultures around the world. Formerly published as Spirits of the Wild. 我来说两句 短评 ··· 热门 还没人写过短评呢 我要写书评 The World's Great Nature Myths的书评 ··· ( 全...
《希腊神话的性质 [The Nature of Greek Myths]》作者 柯克著;刘宗迪译,出版:华东师范大学出版社 2017.6,isbn:7567560828, 9787567560826。缺书网提供准确的比价,齐全的书目检索。
Vanir- (Norse mythology) race of ancient gods sometimes in conflict with the Aesir Balder,Baldr- (Norse mythology) god of light and peace and noted for his beauty and sweet nature; son of Odin and Frigg and husband of Nanna; killed by Hoth ...
Podeschi, Christopher W. (2002) "The Nature of Future Myths: Environmental Discourse in Science Fiction Films, 1950-1999", Sociological Spectrum, Vol. 22, pp. 251-297.Podeschi, Christopher W. "The Nature of Future Myths: Environmental Discourse in Science Fiction Film, 1950-1999." ...