The Book of MercyThe Book of Mercy by Kathleen Cambor. The Book of Mercy is the story of Edmund Mueller, a retired... Bonus Publisher Materials: AwardsCambor, KathleenMacmillan
5. And therefore ye will curse your days, and the years of your lives perish; the everlasting curse will increase and ye will receive no mercy. 5.因此你将诅咒你所在的日子,你活着的年岁要消亡。永存的咒诅与日俱增,你将必不得怜悯。 6. On that dayye will give awayyour peace for an everl...
Athrilling debut of a postapocalyptic world for fans of The Hunger Games Weaving philosophy and science together into a riveting, dystopian story of love and adventure, The Office of Mercy illuminates an all-too-real future imagined by a phenomenal new voice in fiction. Twenty-four-year-old ...
Love everything about this book. swarm的设定好妙啊,完美的序幕。 0 有用 野斑马 2024-08-21 19:17:31 上海 If The Expanse series is a tribute to the Golden Era space operas, and an extremely successful revamp of the latter, The Mercy of Gods seems, IMHO, to be one to an even earlie...
有的是意译,包惜弱 Charity Bao“仁慈包”。穆念慈 Mercy Mu“仁慈穆”。Mercy有仁慈的意思,与“念慈” 相吻合。同时,Mercy本身就是一个外国人名“梅西”。 而,除了直译、意译和拼音,还有很多名字是译者起的,比如郭靖的妈妈李萍 Lily Li“莉莉李”、全金发Gilden Quan“吉尔登全”、江南七怪韩宝驹Ryder Han “...
Book reviews of fiction, novels, and nonfiction books. The US Review of Books is a leading book review publication and website, including example book reviews.
A psalm of David. 4:2 When I called upon him, the God of my justice heard me: when I was in distress, thou hast enlarged me. Have mercy on me: and hear my prayer. 4:3 O ye sons of men, how long will you be dull of heart? why do you love vanity, and seek after lying?
world), Bhutanese author and publisher Kunzang Choden (whose The Circle of Karma I also read in 2012), and Bissau-Guinean writer, publisher and engineer Abdulai Silá, whose The Ultimate Tragedy, translated from the Portuguese by Jethro Soutar, was a book of the month of mine a while ...
81. Seven Truths from The Urantia Book 81. 來自《玉苒廈之書》的七大真理 82. We are not alone. “Your planet is a member of an enormous cosmos; you belong to a well-nigh infinite family of worlds, but your sphere is just as precisely administered and just as lovingly fostered as ...
Margery Kempe :The Book of Margery Kempe (1436) Until the twentieth century, all the world knew of The Book of Margery Kempe were brief extracts taken from the original manuscript, which had been lost. Then in 1934, a full copy of the original bo... (展开) 2 0回应 海达 2019-02-...