《生命之书》The Book of Life 1995 下载订阅分享 作者简介克里希那穆提 (J.Krishnamurti, 1895-1986),印度著名哲学家,20世纪最伟大的心灵导师,在西方有着广泛而深远的影响。他主张真理纯属个人了悟,一定要用自己的光照亮自己。他一生的教海皆在帮助人类从恐惧和无明中彻底解脱,体悟慈悲与至乐的境界。他的六十...
J Krishnamurti’s ‘Education and the Significance of life’ was published in 1981. From the book: “The freedom to create comes with self-knowledge; but self-knowledge is not a gift. One can be creative without having any particular talent. Creativeness is a state of being in which the c...
The Book of LifeA book of meditation and inspiration which presents passages on a new theme for each week of the year, with each topic developed over seven days. Topics covered include self-knowledge, desire, sorrow, death and med...
the kite festival the knowledge society the korean intellectu the krill is gone the krishnamurti read the la riot spectacul the labyrinth of scal the lacking uniform o the ladder of inferen the lady is lazy the ladykillers music the lahey clinic the lake house the lama said the lamb on the...
克里希那穆提(J.Krishnamurti 1895-1986)是印度的著名哲学家,在西方有着广泛而深远的影响。他主张真理纯属个人了悟,一定要用自己的光来照亮自己。他一生的教诲皆在帮助人类从恐惧和无明中彻底解脱,体悟慈悲与至乐的境界。 他的40本著作,全是由空性流露的演讲和谈话集结而成,已经译成47国语言出版。
by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.”– J. Krishnamurti (The same for separation between man and...
R.E.Mark Lee,World Teacher: The Life and Teachings of J. Krishnamurti East & West (Stories of India)by Catherine Ann Jones are simply delightful and show how deeply she understands our Indian ways and our cultural heritage. I loved the simplicity and honesty of each narrative and found my...
克里希那穆提的生与死=Thelifeanddeathof.PDF,类别 索取号 著录项 克里希那穆提的生与死 The life and death of 哲学宗教 B351.5/1 Krishnamurti /(英国) 玛丽 ·鲁琴斯著;程悦译 哲学宗教 B821-49/484 用自己喜欢的方式过生活 /程蔚著 赠给未来的人生哲学:王蒙池田大作
Education and the Significance of Life的创作者 ··· 吉杜·克里希那穆提 作者 作者简介 ··· 克里希那穆提 克里希那穆提(J.Krishnamurti 1895-1986)是印度的著名哲学家,在西方有着广泛而深远的影响。他主张真理纯属个人了悟,一定要用自己的光来照亮自己。他一生的教诲皆在帮助人类从恐惧和无明中彻底...