To put forth leaves, especially after a period of dormancy:the period in the spring when trees begin to leaf out. Idioms: take a leaf from (someone) To use (someone) as an example. take a leaf from(orout of)(someone's) book
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Facebook Twitter Google Hangman? ___ Your guess: Grammar Quiz? Identify the category of the adverb (in bold) in the following sentence:“I’m pretty happy with the way this turned out.” a) Adverb of degree b) Adverb of manner c) Focusing adverb d) Viewpoint adverb Learn this topic...
Facebook Twitter Google Hangman? ___ Your guess: Grammar Quiz? When should a participle phrase appearing in the middle of a sentence be set apart by commas? a) When it identifies a noun as an active agent b) When it is essential to the meaning of the sentence c) When it is not ...
Facebook Twitter Google Hangman? ___ Your guess: Grammar Quiz? Negative interrogative sentences imply that the speaker expects a certain answer with what type of question? a) Tag questions b) Alternative questions c) Yes/No questions d) “Wh-” questions Learn this topic Spelling Bee Diffic...
Facebook Twitter Google Hangman? ___ Your guess: Grammar Quiz? Which of the following is a reason shall might be used instead of will in a sentence? a) To add intensity to a command b) To express an opinion about what is proper or correct c) To add politeness or formality d) To ...
Facebook Twitter Google Hangman ? ___ Your guess: New GameLearn the wordPlay full version Grammar Quiz ? Interjections are ___ to the grammar of the sentence that follows. a) somewhat related b) related c) not related Learn this topic ...
the family in a white robe tied with a crimson sash. Candles are set into her crown, which is covered withlingonberryleaves. The "Lucia Bride" wakes each member of the household on the morning of December 13 with a tray of coffee and special saffron buns or ginger cookies.More......
leavesAlso found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Financial, Idioms, Wikipedia. leaves leaf This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computing ( Leaves Hinged or sliding components, as in a door. Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture Copyright © 2012...
Facebook Twitter Google Hangman? ___ Your guess: Grammar Quiz? Which of the following are not classified as modifiers? a) Particles b) Adjectives c) Prepositions d) Adverbs e) A & C f) B & D Learn this topic Spelling Bee Difficulty level: easy hard expert n. A gambling game in...