This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them;
King James Version Bible - KJV Study Bible free! Read and Share the King James Bible for free. KJV Study Bible free or King James Bible offline allows you to t…
Very interesting bible audio (KJV)app Great bible audio (KJV) app. Very addictive app. i love Jesus. All of the included chapter in this app. Sounds quality is great. Ms.Exegesis , 11/21/2019 2 Ads (seriously)... Unacceptable for me. Below happened SERIOUSLY in a span of 5-6...
1:1 In the beginning : Creation marks the absolute beginning of the temporal and material world. The traditional Jewish and Christian belief is that Genesis 1:1 declares that God created the original heaven and earth from nothing. and that the verse 2 clarifies that when it came from the Cr...
5 The word "awesome" (NIV, NRSV), "dreadful" (KJV) is also the verb yārēʾ, "to fear," but this time, in the Niphal stem. In this form the word is "frequently used to describe things as 'terrible,' 'awesome,' or 'terrifying.'"6...
The King James Bible (KJV) For IOS. The King James Bible (KJV) For IOS. This Bible has been installed by millions of believers around the world. The KJV Bible App gives you an improved Bible experience by keeping track of your readings, having instant access to any chapter, adding custom...
(The KJV calls it "pottage."9). Esau is exhausted and famished. He craves the red-colored stew. "Quick, let me have some of that red stew!" He can't wait. This is Jacob's opportunity."First, sell10 me your birthright," he says. The "birthright" or "primogeniture" (bekōrâ)...
One of the earliest translations to English was the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, but today we have a variety of versions to choose from. Some translations focus on being more precise and are best for Bible study, while others focus on readability and are great for devotions. ...
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Easy to use & self contained Alexander Scourby reading the Bible player. Just open the box and start listening to the KJV Audio Bible read by Alexander Scourby