(Zhōulǐ) and the Book of Etiquette and Rites (Yílǐ), which are together known as the "Three Li (Sānlǐ)," constitute the ritual (lǐ) section of the Five Classics which lay at the core of the traditional Confucian canon (each of the "five" classics is a group of works rather ...
例句:The I Ching, or The Book of Changes, is a divination text that explores the principles of change and hexagrams used for fortune-telling. 《易经》或《周易》是一部占卜之书,探讨了变化的原则和用于算命的六十四卦。 《礼记》 The Book of Rites 例句:The Book of Rites is a compilation of...
The phrase "What Is Above Form" is a key concept in Confucianism, specifically related to the importance of rituals and etiquette. The Book of Rites is a Confucian classic that focuses on these aspects.反馈 收藏
In the Warring States period, money began to be used as betrothal presents. But textiles remained the main gift, albeit with some special requirements. According toThe Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial(《仪礼》), for the scholar-bureaucrat class, their textiles had to be in certain colors: one...
Don't make harps play miscellaneous tunings, not good; do not learn all kinds of metaphor, you can not learn Book of Songs; do not understand all kinds of dress, can't learn etiquette. Therefore, it is impossible for us to like what we have learned without learning all kinds of art....
Etiquette values reciprocity and mutual benefit. It would go against it if someone who has received a gift does not reciprocate such goodwill. When one acts according to such etiquette, one will enjoy peace. Without it, one will cause trouble. (The Book of Rites) ...
thebookofrites整理版 系统标签: ritesbooketiquette整理daiapothegms TheBookofRites 5B091319 陈佩 Thebriefintroduction TheBookofRitesalsotranslatedasClassicofRitesorRecordof Rites,wasoneoftheFiveClassicsoftheConfuciancanon.It describedthesocialforms, governmentalsystem,andceremonialritesoftheZhouDynasty (c.1050–25...
夏商周ritesetiquetteclassificationsdynastysemantic 第5期2014年 《礼记》中虞夏商周礼、礼例及分类考 李文武 1 ,戴海陵 2 (1.湖南第一师范学院教育科学系,湖南长沙410205;2.湖南省华容县兔湖村,湖南华容414200) 摘要:《礼记》记载了宗周之前太古、有虞氏、夏后氏、殷数代礼制。通过研究发现,这些礼制可通过 明例...
网络释义 1. 礼记 五经的意思|五经是什么意思 - 查字典 ... 《易经》 The Book of Changes; 《礼记》the Book of Rites; (《诗经》 The Book of S… www.chazidian.com|基于379个网页 2. 礼记郑注 Liji zhengzhu礼记郑注(The Book of Rites). Taipei: Xuehai, 1981. ...
《礼记》之《学记》全文(The book of Rites of the learning) The book of Rites of the learning The book of Rites of the learning Send into the constitution, kind-hearted, enough to Xiao smell, not enough to focus on the body; Xian far enough to focus, not enough people. The gentleman...