In writer-director Prentice Penny’sUncorked, Mamoudou Athie stars as Elijah, an aspiring sommelier with dreams of leaving the family barbecue business behind in pursuit of his wine connoisseur dreams. When a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity presents itself, the young man must choose between a life...
Watch on Netflix 'Uncorked' (Image credit: Netflix) Uncorked shows the dilemma of a young man following his passion against his father’s wishes. Elijah (Momoudou Athie) wants to become a sommelier, but his dad, Louis (played by Courtney Vance), wants him to join their family’s barbeq...
Director: Ma-an L. Asuncion-Dagñalan | Starring: juan karlos, Elijah Canlas, Keoni Jin, Nourijune, Harvey Bautista | Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama, Music Blue Roomis another notable 2022 Filipino independent film. The movie centers on a group of privileged teens who play in an indie rock...
But someone with no lines or even a name. Seriously. The ending was misogynistic and an insult to female characters. Not to mention, all the paranormal romance fans out there. Even the book ending is better. My advice: Do what I did in later seasons and watch the Eric/Sookie scenes on...
Crime movie DAN HAWK PSYCHIC DETECTIVE DANIEL ISN'T REAL Dave Sheridan David Hayman Dean Cain DEANNA DEWEY DEATH OF A VLOGGER Devilworks Documenatry Dominic Brunt DOUBLE THREAT Elijah Wood Eloise Lovell Anderson Epic Pictures Erik Bloomquist ESCAP...
where you can't begin to concentrate on the definition of "the" because a team of animated basketball players is begging you to shoot hoops. Scroll down to the end of the dictionary list and you will find the siteSTANDS4. Did you know that "T.H.E." stands for "three hours extra" ...
DOG MAN | Official Trailer - YouTube Watch On Release date: January 31 (US); February 7 (UK); April 3 (Australia) Based on Dav Pilkey's beloved children's book series of the same name, Dog Man looks and sounds like it could be the first great family-friendly flick of 2025. Dog...
I already talked to Elijah Guy about this, but I discovered a decisive evidence about it. In Super Mario Maker, POW Block's outline is colored white, whereas in SMB35 it is cyan and black. This makes it clear that POW Block's sprite in the game is actually coming from Mario Bros.,...
(Last Updated on July 30, 2024) Red Monster Review: Should You Buy It? In a fast-changing market of supplements, any product that sticks around for more than 10 years is obviously worth it. Red Monster obviously has the capacity to improve your sexual performance if you use it properly....
In honor of that holiday, please enjoy today’s AMV of the Day! (No, I’m not sure why video has the “no video” thumbnail that YouTube used to use. The video is there, just hit play.) Song: Summer by Calvin Harris Anime: Naruto Shippūden Creator: MartusSsia01 Past AMVs of ...