该机构出版了一份书籍清单,医生可以向患者提供书籍,涉及从抑郁、痴呆到慢性疼痛等各种话题。 它被称为“阅读疗法”,它非常成功,即将推广到儿童。 Professor Philip Davis studies the effects of literature at Liverpool University and is author of a book called Reading for Life. He studies people in rea...
The PowerBook的创作者 ··· 珍妮特·温特森 作者 作者简介 ··· 当代最好也是最有争议性的作家之一。 1959年,生于英格兰的曼彻斯特。自小由笃信宗教的夫妇收养。当时家中有六本书,其中《亚瑟王之死》激发了温特森对书本和写作的渴望。1978年,温特森开始恋爱,离家出走。她在殡仪馆、精 神病院等地留宿打工...
3.professor philip davis's researchfound that it's reading literature that has thebest effect. 4.you could read book reviews, visit a library or bookshop, or ask a friend. 5.theymay allow you to see the awkward situation you've been an...
The PowerBook的创作者 ··· 珍妮特·温特森 作者 作者简介 ··· 当代最好也是最有争议性的作家之一。 1959年,生于英格兰的曼彻斯特。自小由笃信宗教的夫妇收养。当时家中有六本书,其中《亚瑟王之死》激发了温特森对书本和写作的渴望。1978年,温特森开始恋爱,离家出走。她在殡仪馆、精 神病院等地留宿打工...
1. How might being prescribed a book to read help someone?It helps remedy sickness and can improve your mental health.2. True or false? Bibliotherapy is only available for children.False. Bibliotherapy has become so successful that it...
“This book may go down in history as the most complete guide to the sport ever.” –Jack Niles (Powerlifter, Strongman and Coach) “All About Powerlifting” is great for just about any lifter, but will take 5 years off the learning curve of a new powerlifter trying to figure the spor...
【读英文原版书】【Book 171】The Power 三本套装: 1.The Secret 2.The Power 3.The Hero 十年前看过第一本《秘密》, 今年买了英文版这三本, 感觉蛮好。 The Power 吸引力法则,逐渐展开。 关键是:语法简单、词汇常见, 说人话:像口语 加班之余,读几十页, ...
《The PowerBook》是Vintage出版的图书,作者是Jeanette Winterson。内容简介 Adding to an already astounding body of work that explores the nature of love and desire, Jeanette Winterson ( Sexing the Cherry , Oranges are Not the Only Fruit , The Passion ) presents a stunning novel that probes ...
this is how it works. I wrote a book, I published a theory, but something was not okay -- and what it was is that, if I roughly took the people I interviewed and divided them into people who really have a sense of ...