THE BOOK 3YOASOBI J-POP · 2023年 试听 延续着一贯戏剧张力满满的曲风,日本组合 YOASOBI 的第三张 EP《THE BOOK 3》仍旧带有他们的个性标签:鲜活明快的节奏、琅琅上口的旋律,让这张 EP 中的歌曲富有辨识度和记忆度。在本作中,YOASOBI 继续实践组合初创时“将小说音乐化”的初衷,与直木奖(日本顶尖大众...
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SketchBook is the most practical, versatile and user-friendly sketching app designed for mobile gadgets. This exhaustive artist's toolbox helps users create daz…
Some good things is that it has a large category of mangas/books to buy. They also give you previews (like the first couple of page) so you can get an idea if it will be something you’d like. I don’t really get the bookshelf part of the app because it is easier to just view...
Apple Developer Program Join the Apple Developer Program to reach customers around the world on the App Store for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, Apple TV, and Apple Vision Pro. You’ll also get access to beta software, advanced app capabilities, extensive beta testing tools, and app ...
I can't connect to iCloud from my Macbook Pro... All my files are useless as well as applications that uses iCloud such as iTunes MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013), OS X El Capitan (10.11) Posted on Sep 30, 2015 6:55 PM (1) Me too (3835) Reply Question marke...
iTunes Administration At its heart, iTunes is nothing more than a glorified database. Its job is to search, sort, and display information, quickly and efficiently. Here, for example, are some … - Selection from iPod & iTunes: The Missing Manual, Second
Subscribe to Shopify Masters on iTunesShow notes:Store: The Meme Bible Social Profiles: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook Transcript:Felix: Today I’m joined by Jason Wong from The Meme That’s T-H-E M-E-M-E B-I-B-L-E. Com. The Meme Bible is 16 pages of the most ...
When I was still trying to get the book traditionally published I was amazed at how long it took to get a book out. Working in the technology space I am used to getting things to “go-live” in 3 or 4 months and suddenly people were talking YEARS. Well, if you go the non-...
As it stands, straight out of the box, Apple's iPad is a decent reading tool — but it could be far better. Join AppleInsider for an examination of some apps and services we've been using for a while to really make the device a universal, digital book r