“Unfun and unfair” is how oneReddit postcharacterized Unfortunate Development, the optional subregion that functions as a shortcut in the Five Pebbles region of survival platformerRain World. In the game, you play as a slugcat, an adorable creature who must rely on smarts and agility in or...
This is a visual novel that's so low-budget I'm not sure even the street would find a use for it, but Dog of Dracula 2's parody of cyberpunk's hard-boiled edge is so sharp you could shave a spitz with it. Read more: It's time for cyberpunk games to remember how to be punk...
Reddit Loading... Standard Dinner, Main Dishes, One-pots, Pork Pork Pazolé January 3, 2013Tom HirschfeldBlack pepper, comfort food, Cook, Dutch oven, exotic, Fruit and Vegetable, Home, hominy, Mexican, pork, posole, Southwest, spicy, tom hirschfeld, Tomatillo, Tomato paste 3 Comments Ch...
It's boiled ham stuffed aggressively with cabbage and greens like kale. Then, it's wrapped in cheesecloth and broiled. Somehow, people in Maryland love this stuff without even questioning what it is they are eating. In all honesty, Southern MD is totally at fault here, which any Marylander ...
humiliating. If you’ve never been depressed, thank your lucky stars and back off the folks who take a pill so they can make eye contact with the grocery store cashier. No one on earth would choose the nightmare of depression over an averagely turbulent normal life. It’s not an ...
I have tried over the years, not to influence others to take up a particular lifestyle, but to encourage them to follow whatever path they think would provide them with the best life possible, one built on family, faith, community and hard work. Whatever you are doing today, if it angle...
Reddit Email Print One One. Our baby is one. Well, actually, our baby is 1 and 1/6 years old now because one came and went and off we were running towards what feels like two, three, or four some days. “Littlest” as one of his uncles calls him, isn’t the littlest bean anym...
Nick Dangeris a fictional character created by the comedy group The Firesign Theatre, portrayed by Phil Austin. Danger is a parody of the hard-boiled detective, and is often announced as “Nick Danger, Third Eye”, a parody of the termprivate eye. Danger stories involve stereotypical film no...
perfect hard-boiled eggis not easy. But what can be even more challenging is peeling off the shells. Sometimes those crackly bits stick to the newly opaque whites and by the time you’ve plucked your last shard, you find out you removed an outer layer of edible egg that somehow managed...
Reddit Twitter Here we are on this bittersweet day: the last day of National Poetry Month and the last day ofnapomoatthe dictionary project.Thank you for joining us as we have celebrated poetry and bibliomancy and the play and beauty that can come from constraint-based writing. ...