Man on Fire, an intense action thriller from director Tony Scott, places Denzel Washington at the center of the action as John Creasy, a former CIA operative turned bodyguard who embarks on a desperate quest for vengeance when his young charge is kidnapped. Washington's visceral portrayal of ...
Rachel Marron The Bodyguard 127 votes Rachel Marron is a fictional character in the 1992 romantic thriller film The Bodyguard. Actor: Whitney Houston 72 Effie White Dreamgirls 109 votes Effie White is a fictional character from the 2006 film Dreamgirls. Actor: Jennifer Hudson A...
Despite the recent removal of films and series, Max still has a growing list of original movies and TV shows that are exclusively found on the streaming service in the US. Many of the shows and movies come from other countries worldwide and are being released as Max Originals. From the Mo...
Whitney Houston: The Bodyguard (1992) The interracial romance-thriller The Bodyguard, starring Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner, was the 13th biggest movie of 1992—a feat that had more than a little to do with the film’s soundtrack, which featured Houston delivering six superbly written and...
Fans of LGBTQ+ movies can’t find a more worthy movie thanNuovo Olimpo. The Italian romantic drama stars Damiano Gavino and Andrea Di Luigi star as Enea and Pietro, two young men who meet and fall in love in 1970s Rome. Unexpected circumstances separate them, leading them to try to reuni...
But let’s focus on the more positive qualities and dig into our inner Disney princess for inspiration. We can be the leader of our own lives full of kindness, grace, imagination, and independence. WHAT COUNTS AS A PRINCESS MOVIE?
Chapter 306 - Why Didn't You Hire a Female Bodyguard Nov-09-23 Chapter 305 - Cannot Walk Down? Nov-09-23 Chapter 304 - Nan Wan Likes Shi Xi's Collapsed House Weibo Nov-09-23 Chapter 303 - Cannot Be Brave Nov-09-23 Chapter 302 - Tattling To Mother Nov-09-23 Chapter 301...
After knocking out Rudjek's personal bodyguard Hypatos, Bayek cornered the Ancient in the tomb and the latter attempted to retaliate with a throwing knife; however, the Medjay blocked it with Rudjek's own mask before shoving it into the Ancient's face, killing him.[50] ...
And the NRA president wouldn't have a clue what the heck the person was talking about, and might even have a bodyguard drag them away. Way up in the sky, looking down on stuff, there's all these busy bee humans and mostly they are making ends meet, miraculously, since not a single...
And the NRA president wouldn't have a clue what the heck the person was talking about, and might even have a bodyguard drag them away. Way up in the sky, looking down on stuff, there's all these busy bee humans and mostly they are making ends meet, miraculously, since not a s...