Forgotten too: the masked faces, the black coma, the body part removed like trash. The scar was numb. It gave no sensation— though I recall, dimly, how it prickled when newly etched. For a while it tickled, then all feeling ebbed. Complete cessation? Unheal me, resurrect me, the wo...
If couched they hear beneath the matted camomile! LXIII Bid them good-bye before last friend has sung and supped! Because we pick our path and need our eyes,—abrupt Descent enough, but here’s the beach, and there’s the bay, And, opposite, the streak of Île Noirmoutier. Thither th...
CMA Camomile Library File CMA Coach 6 Activities File (Foundation CMA – Centre for Microcomputer Applications) CMA Filetopia Collection Manager List (Filetopia) CMA Applix TM1 Database CMAP CmapTools Concept Map (IHMC) CMAP Hex Workshop Color Map File (BreakPoint Software, Inc.) CMB Reason Com...