商标无效 申请号:25784539 申请日期:2017-08-10 申请人:波蒂•淑珀国际有限公司 国际分类:3类-日化用品 服务项: 0301洁肤霜(化妆品)、化妆用沐浴油; 0306化妆品清洗剂、眼部化妆品; 基本信息 商标名称THE BODY SHOP CAMOMILE 申请号25784539国际分类3类-日化用品商标分类表 ...
The Body Shop Camomile Sumptuous Cleansing Butter The Body Shop Camomile Sumptuous Cleansing Butter £11 SHOP NOW In fact, I’d go as far as to say that if I could only use one skincare product for the rest of my life, it would be this stuff. If you suffer from temperamental skin a...
The Body Shop Camomile is quite soothing to my sensitive skin & takes care of my sensitive eyes. It wipes off the makeup efficiently and leaves no traces.
最好去现场试妆后购买;适用年龄:所有年龄 推荐指数:★★★ Camomile Sumptuous Cleansing Butter(洋甘菊卸妆霜)TBS家做得最好的一款卸妆产品,温和不刺激,卸妆效果好。优点:按摩卸妆膏,淡淡的洋甘菊芬芳,很温和,卸妆效果好;缺点:膏体有点太干,稍微有点油腻,卸妆后需要用洁面膏清洗;...
Camomile Gentle Eye Makeup Remover 洋甘菊眼部卸妆乳 上榜原因: 1. 不刺激眼睛 2. 能有效卸除各种防水睫毛膏 3. 清洁同时起到滋润眼部作用 4. 量大实惠放心 5. 无香料无大量添加 Tea Tree Skin Clearing Facial Wash 茶树洁面胶~!啊啊啊,我要鸡冻了~!真的很想抱住它狂亲一通啊~爆痘时期的必备啊~!
Camomile Sumptuous Cleansing Butter 洋甘菊卸妆膏,是超多欧美博主大力推荐的好货!质地很跟倩碧的紫晶卸妆膏非常相似,打开瓶盖就来闻到淡淡的花香。乳化速度很快,清洁力强,多强悍的防水彩妆都能轻松卸掉。洗后皮肤不会有油腻的膜感,也不会觉得干燥紧绷,便宜大碗又好用的卸妆膏就是它了。
Camomile Gentle Eye Make-up Remover 60ml 甘菊眼部卸妝液 60ml 88131 Big and Curvy Waterproof Mascara 卷翘纤长防水睫毛膏 84188 Big and Curvy Waterproof Mascara 卷翘纤长睫毛膏(日常防水)面部护理系列 Ve系列(适用所有肌肤,明星产品,蕴含来自小麦胚芽油的天然VE,高效抗氧化,使肌肤柔软嫩滑,富弹性,防止过早...
Camomile Sumptuous Cleansing Butter Makeup Remover - $12.75(regularly $17.00) Camomile Waterproof Eye & Lip Makeup Remover - $14.25(regularly $19.00) Tea Tree Oil Skin Clearing Facial Wash. 60ml - $4.50(regularly $6.00) Seaweed Deep Cleansing Gel Face Wash -...
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