作品名:坟墓里死去的基督之躯 艺术家:汉斯·荷尔拜因 年代:1521;德国 风格:北欧文艺复兴 类型:宗教绘画 介质:油画,木质 标签:基督教,Jesus Christ 尺寸:30.5 x 200 cm Title:The Body of the Dead Christ in the Tomb artist:Hans Holbein the Younger Date:1521; Germany Style:Northern Renaissance Genre:reli...
巴塞尔艺术博物馆(The Kunstmuseum Basel)送来了一幅伊拉斯谟(Erasmus)的小幅圆形肖像,他是荷尔拜因在这座瑞士城市的移民伙伴,但是博物馆没有送来大幅的伊拉斯谟,也没有送来至今仍令人震惊的《坟墓里死去的耶稣之躯》(The Body of The Dead Christ in The Tomb)。巴黎卢浮宫拥有一幅保守吹捧的克莱沃的安娜(Anne ...
The arrival of QUEEN ELIZABETH, aged sixty, coming to take her place in the audience at front centre. The hill is crowded with lords and ladies, bowing ELIZABETH to her seat, which is raised high on a pedestal, affording the QUEEN an uninterrupted view of the play, and the audience an ...
Jacopo Bassano
The Secret of Christ's Tomb: Directed by Robert Strange. With Stefan Ashton Frank, Maria Apostolopoulou, Phillip Ben-Shmuel, Hans-Eckart Eckhardt. National Geographic is invited to follow a team of restoration experts and archaeologists as they race agai
"Zephyr Evangelization Campaign" 124. In what condition was the body of Christ while it lay in the tomb? (Podcast Episode 2020) - Top questions and answers about "Zephyr Evangelization Campaign" 124. In what condition was the body of Christ while it lay
The Body: Directed by Jonas McCord. With Antonio Banderas, Olivia Williams, John Shrapnel, Derek Jacobi. A crucified body dated back to the first century A.D is uncovered at an ancient cave in Jerusalem. Trouble ensues as word spreads.
Hans Holbein the Younger丨The Body of the Dead Christ in the Tomb 耶稣的尸体本身的刻画可谓剖毫分厘,不吝笔墨把受难与败朽的情形展现无遗。他四肢僵硬,肌肉泛青,伤口浮肿,中指因手给钉在十字架上而显得有点儿硬撅。双目瞪得圆睁,嘴巴张开,好像在吐露〈诗篇〉第廿二章中的无助感:“我的神,我的神!为什...
Touching the Tomb of Christ: Notes on a Twelfth-Century Map of Jerusalem from Winchcombe, Gloucestershiredoi:10.1080/03085690903024206Hanna VorholtImago Mundi
The earth quakes as the angel rolls back the stone, the guards flee in terror. The holy women coming to anoint the body of Jesus are amazed and frightened to find the tomb open. An angel calms their fears: “He is not here. He has risen as He said.” ...