Sure, he’s odd: he doesn’t eat much or talk much, but he lives a wild and free life in nature, something that Birdie craves. So, she arranges for her and Emmaleen to go with Arthur (against the advice of other townsfolk, including Arthur’s dad) out to his cabin. Where every...
The Daring Book for Girls | GeekDad | Wired.comAsha Dornfest
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Celebrate Your Body (and Its Changes Too!): the Ultimate Puberty Book for Girls, by Sonya Renee Taylor. Start to finish, I love this book! The information is presented in such a positive light and teaches girls that they are perfect just the way they are, and that the changes they are...
The purpose of this research was to provide a critical review of key research areas within the social psychology of dress. The review addresses published research in two broad areas: (1) dress as a stimulus and its influence on (a) attributions by others
Not only do I love this YA nonfiction book as a source of inspiration for a strong woman, as a mother of girls I love it even more! So much so that I was compelled to shareThe Book of Awesome Girlswith you along with printable activities created to stimulate thoughts and generate conver...
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