A place where ships are parked. The cruise ship docked at the main dock. 1 Pier A landing place for boats and small ships. The sailboat was tied to the pier overnight. 3 Dock A platform extending from a shore over water, used to secure, protect, and provide access to a boat or shi...
The boats are moored agaist the public highway. The cost was as quoted at the time. The trip is about 1 hour and the trip we chose was an open boat as the weather was good and you could see so much more than an enclosed boat. You can buy drinks on the trip. There is a ...
Newport, Rhode Island is synonymous with sailing. Luckily for the local sailors, the harbor where most boats are docked or moored is the scene of some of the best sunsets in town. Most superstitious boaters believe the adage: “Red sky at night, sailors delight. Red sky at dawn, sailors...
mooring: A place where a boat or ship is moored, i.e., secured with ropes or anchors. harbor (US) harbour (UK): A sheltered body of water where ships can anchor safely. marina: A specially designed harbor with moorings for pleasure craft ...
4.a partially enclosed, sheltered area along a shore where boats may be moored:a yacht basin. 5. a.a hollow or depression in the earth's surface. b.an area in which rock strata dip inward toward a common center; a circular or elliptical syncline. ...
1. A pier where ships or boats are tied up and loaded or unloaded. 2. Obsolete A shore or riverbank. v. wharfed, wharf·ing, wharfs v.tr. 1. To moor (a vessel) at a wharf. 2. To take to or store (cargo) on a wharf. 3. To furnish, equip, or protect with wharves or ...
“Port” also popped up in the 16th century with the origin similar to why the left side of the ship was called “larboard”, when you docked or moored a ship with the rudder affixed to the right side, it was always done with the left side of the boat facing the harbor or dock. ...
Bungee dock lines are a more innovative way to keep your boats securely moored and safe from damage. The Jranter Bungee Dock Line for Boat is an excellent example of a bungee dock line that can make securing your boat a lot easier and faster than you may be used to. ...
Rage’s industrial dock bumpers are made of industrial-grade rubber, making them perfect as a truck trailer or boat dock bumper guards. Its rubber material gives it the perfect thickness to cushion heavy contacts. It compresses enough upon impact to prevent boats from hitting the dock. ...
Nest- when 2 or more boats are either stowed or moored alongside each other. New Measurement- in effect from 1836, when the recording method of measurements of tonnage and other dimensions of British merchant ships was changed. In NM terms, ship beam and depth were measured from the hull’...