将“the board of governors"翻译成葡萄牙文 diretoria是将“the board of governors"翻译成 葡萄牙文。 译文示例:I was asked if you'd consider being elected to the board of governors. ↔ Me sondaram para saber se você tomaria parte na diretoria. ...
The Board of Governors sets minimum reserve limits (how much capital banks must have on hand) for all member banks, sets the discount rate for the 12 Federal Reserve Banks, and reviews the budgets of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks.
Define Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. means the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, which is an agency of the United States of America responsible for the analysis of domestic and international financial and economic deve
purpose” institution or strategic plan? Are the current asset thresholds that apply to institutions and tests appropriate? Affiliate activities. Currently, the agencies consider affiliate activities only at the request of the related depository institution. Should the agencies revise the regulation ...
aJerome H. Powell takes oath of office as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System Jerome H。 Powell立下就职宣誓作为政府委员会的成员联储会系统的[translate]
Committee of the Board means any committee of the Board formed in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Governors; Sample 1Sample 2 Based on 2 documents SaveCopy Committee of the Board means a committee of the Board established under section 18, 19 or 20; Sample 1Sample...
At the Annual Meeting of the Board of是什么意思? 待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 The Board of Governors is the highest policy-making body of CDB. Each Member Country nominates one Governor and one Alternate Governor. For this purpose, the Member Territories of Anguilla, British Virgin ...
What is the purpose of the Federal Reserve's discount rate? Voting on a federal funds rate target is done by. Achieving this target through open market operations is the responsibility of. A. the Board of Governors; the FOMC B. the FRBNY; the FOMC C. the FOMC; the F...
When the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve changes the federal funds rate, it causes other banks to act accordingly, thereby controlling the flow of money into the economy. Learn More What Does the Fed Actually Do? What happens when the Fed raises interest rates? When the Federal ...
the input values come from organizations such as the BEA and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. The final number represents the rate of change in employee compensation compared to industrial output. When the economy is in recession...