来自『机动战士高达外传 THE BLUE DESTINY』的「RX-79BD-1 蓝色命运1号机」和「MS-08TX[EXAM] 伊芙利特改」终于在ROBOT魂 ver. A.N.I.M.E.上登场。这一次,“ROBOT魂 ver. A.N.I.M.E.”的转变着眼于首次出现的世嘉土星版游戏三部曲,以及大河原邦男先生所绘制的设定画。现在,蓝色命运已经在许多游戏参...
德岛:初期的游戏版,由大河原邦男先生设计的BLUE1号机,墨镜的面积很大。非常有“吉姆的脸”的感觉。但是后来在许多人的改编中,墨镜变窄了,强调了主角机的特点。 图左:当时的宣传画/图右:ROBOT魂 稻垣:KATOKI HAJIME先生的「GUNDAM FIX FIGURATION」版本是窄墨镜的魔改。 德岛:当然,两者都有粉丝,两者都很帅!每次...
《机动战士高达外传 ..由千叶智宏老师负责剧本(其亦是当年SS游戏剧本担当),たいち庸老师(全金属狂潮Another漫画版作者)担纲作画的《机动战士高达外传 THE BLUE DESTINY》新版漫画本月《Gundam Ac
Anime boySummona Fulisis a character fromMobile Suit Gundam Side Story: The Blue Destiny. They have been indexed as男性 孩子 with 蓝色 eyes and 棕色 hair that is 齐耳 length. TraitAppears asOfficial 性别男性 眼睛的颜色蓝色 头发颜色棕色 ...
Anime boySummona Fulisis a character fromMobile Suit Gundam Side Story: The Blue Destiny. They have been indexed asMale Child with Blue eyes and Brown hair that is To Ears length. TraitAppears asOfficial GenderMale Eye ColorBlue Hair ColorBrown ...
This is where the Blue Destiny trilogy came in. Released across three mini-games, they placed you as a grunt GM pilot on the front-lines. Not only that, you got it all via a faithfully claustrophobic first person cockpit view. Put simply, this approached nailed what the Gundam mythos was...
由日本BANDAI萬代玩具公司發行的眾多「鋼普拉」系列商品中,機體種類最為齊全並還原動畫中形象的「HG(High Grade)」日前發表最新商品,來自《機動戰士鋼彈外傳 THE BLUE DESTINY》的「HGUC 1/144 蒼藍命運1號機”EXAM”」預計於 2017 年 08 月發售的消息。
砍王 见叁 Gundam sidestory the blue destiny 金典名机 旧化机体, 高光阴影再加一个自制地台 最后摆一个金典pose [耶] @仲田模型道場 @魔封真模型工作室 @猫式钢弹改 @模型岛社区 @模动力 @高达模型制作...
HG 1/144 The Gundam Base Limited Blue Destiny Unit 1 "EXAM" [Metallic Gloss Injection] Plastic Model ( FEB 2023 ) USD20.90 BANDAI Quick viewOut of stock Compare MG 1/100 The Gundam Base Limited ASTRAY RED FRAME FLIGHT UNIT Plating Frame/Color Clear Plastic Model ( FEB 2023 ) ...
Video GamesLost War Chronicles|Gundam 0079: The War for Earth|Mobile Ops: The One Year War|The Blue Destiny|Crossfire/Target in Sight|Journey to Jaburo|Zeonic Front|Mobile Suit Gundam: EX Revue|Spirits of Zeon - Dual Stars of Carnage|Cross Dimension 0079|Mobile Suit Gundam F91: Formula Repo...