Hymn Presentation on Good Friday Service, on April 19, 2019, at the Life Church and Missions. Lyrics: 宝血活泉 There is a Fountain O the blood of Jesus, 主耶稣的宝血, O the blood of Jesus, 主耶稣的宝血, O the blood of Jesus, 洗我洁白如雪。 It washes white as snow. 1.今有一处...
这首诗歌作者是英国慕特牧师(Edward Mote 1797-1874)一首他称为罪人希望的稳固根基,也被人称为伟大信仰圣歌。 据他自述,年青时常在街上游荡,十六岁时听海阿特牧师(Rev. John Hyatt)讲道后,才悔改信主。在伦敦附近浸信会忠心侍奉主,为主建新教堂,会众将地契送给他,他拒绝接受而选择在讲坛服侍主。这诗是他想...
Is to feel your need of Him. Please visit:http://www.lifechurchmissions.com Click here to listen or right click to download the mp3. This is a piano arrangement of the hymn “‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus 信靠耶稣真是甜美” arranged by James Koerts. Sheet music found @ <http:/...
Nothing but the Blood of JesusNothing But the Blood of Jesus by David Rasbach [SATB and piano]. Hope C5680, 2011. $1.90Set in...The HymnHymn Society in the United States and CanadaThe Hymn
By the Blood of Jesus 来自:Adam Watson There is nothing quite like the sound of a room full of believers singing the lyrics to a good old hymn. The rich words sung aloud by those who understand the weight of their worth. Penned by those who loved the Father and wanted to communicate ...
長老會和浸信會 與一首流行聖詩爭鬥 (於「改革星期日」所宣之道 / A SERMON PREACHED ON REFORMATION SUNDAY)(Presbyterians and Baptists Fight Over Popular Hymn) 2013 - 10 - 27 PM 世上最大的罪(The World's Greatest Sin) 2013 - 10 - 27 AM 為何约翰•韋恩進了地獄 (Why John Wayne Went...
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Along these lines, we would like to offer these short prayers which remind us of the salvific nature of our Lord’s Precious Blood: Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Precious Blood of Jesus, in satisfaction for my sins, and for the needs of Holy Church. This Precious Blood prayer below...