近日,The Block研究团队预测了2024年的发展情况。分析师团队对他们认为的新一年的新趋势、叙事和期望做出预测,今年的预测包括他们对人工智能将如何在加密领域发挥作用的想法、是否相信比特币 ETF 会获得批准等等。 深潮对全文进行了编译,详情请看下文。 共同的预测结论 在风险环境的推动下,投资者普遍预期加密货币价格将...
37 位 The Block Research 研究分析师近日发布了 2023 年加密行业预测。他们各自表达了对新一年加密行业的展望,他们的观点有同有异。 以下是总结出来的他们之间相同的预测: 整体宏观环境将继续对加密货币等高风险资产施加下行压力。 然而,未来一年呈现横向走势的可能性比严重下滑的可能性更大。 由于缺乏资金和需求,许...
2023 年的波动性也将低于 2021-2022 年,导致交易者轻松获利的机会减少。 这种新的市场范式将奖励那些谨慎追踪被迫卖家或发现生态系统中仍然过度杠杆化的部分的人,随着交易者寻求围绕事件定位或通常对冲风险敞口,在加密期权市场创造更多需求的潜在一线希望。2021-2022 年的老式基金中有很大一部分将因业绩不佳而关闭,导致...
The package blockCV offers a range of functions for generating train and test folds for k-fold and leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation (CV). It allows for separation of data spatially and environmentally, with various options for block construction. Additionally, it includes a function for as...
Aptos is a layer 1 blockchain built to support the widespread use of blockchain through better technology and user experience. - aptos-labs/aptos-core
Structure of the lower crust beneath the Songpan block and West Qinling orogen and their relation as revealed by deep seismic reflection profiling. Geological Bulletin of China, 2006, 25(12): 1361-1361. [7] WU Shu-kuan1,4, PEI Xian-zhi1,2, LI Zuo-chen1,2, LI Rui-bao1, PEI Lei...
5). When experimental and simulated data were pooled together for repeated-measures ANOVA, there was no significant main effect of simulations on within-block evolution of either performance (Fig. 1c, F(1,22) = 4.27, p = 0.051), win-shift (Fig. 2b, F(1,17) = 0.006, ...
Look, I am not happy with some of their choices. The blockchain game,EVE Frontier, can (and most likely will) die in a fire. I also do not share the CCP management dream of making a first person shooter, lacking faith in their ability to make something both interesting and unique enou...
The equivalent residue V166 in bovine ClC-K has a small side chain that does not block the channel (Fig. 2e), indicating that bovine ClC-K adopts an open state16. For human ClC-7 transporter, the side chain of gating glutamate E247 points to the extracellular vestibule and does not ...
Discovery of Paleoproterozoic rapakivi granite on the northern margin of the Yangtze block and its geological significance[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin, 56(3): 306-318. doi: 10.1007/s11434-010-4236-7 CrossRef Google Scholar ZHANG Q, RAN H, LI C D, 2012. A-type granite: what is the...