Blitz display Our first steps in creating our interactive display Valence House trip- The Home Front R.E Visit to St. Margaret's in Barking Art First step Second step Our display Dame Vera Lynn and War posters The Poster Art Creating the posters Final display Enterprise A4 paper challenge Ent...
Author’s poster of the Portuguese Navy in WW2. It shows all significant vessels, listed, from 1939 to 1945. Basically the home waters could rely on five modern destroyers and three submarines. The rest was made of modern, powerful gunboats (The Albuquerque could engage destroyers), light gun...
The article comments on the move of the NFL to involve the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in its dispute with cable television networks. It cites the complaint of the league that the NFL Network is not getting wide distribution on basic cable. It notes that cable companies are...
Visitors can become very attached to a particular museum, display or object in terms of the when they first saw it, and struggle to accept that anything else could possibly be better. We like what we know and know what we like, after all. The removal of the blitz experience from the Im...
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