This dark comedy series from Kit Williamson got its start on YouTube, but was later shown through Logo TV and Vimeo before finding a home at Netflix. Set in Silver Lake, Los Angeles,EastSidersfollows Thom (Van Hansis) and Cal (Williamson) as they navigate their lives, community, substanc...
Bill's Note: When watching the eighth movie in the franchise, a nuclear submarine breaks through the ice they're driving on and I lean over and whisper to my wife, “do you remember when these movies were about street racers?” Back where it all started, with a whole lot of nitrous ...
ablack beltin multiple martial arts, comes to play. This is a movie star at the height of his powers and proud of it. Every one-liner, every vertical suplex, every blind catch of
Then the guards at Hope start acting strange. And one day…they don’t show up. But when the teens band together to make a break from the facility, they encounter soldiers outside the gates. There’s a rapidly spreading infectious disease outside, and no one can leave their houses or ...
2000's "Miss Congeniality" reaffirmed her well-deserved place on the map. Ever since then, she has displayed an incredibly diverse skill set in many unique performances, including her touching emotional deliveries in "The Blind Side" and her hysterical chemistry with Ryan Reynolds in "The ...
When you hide one eye, you effectively block half of your vision. In symbolic terms, you become half-blind to the truth. By hiding one eye, celebrities symbolically “sacrifice” a vital part of their being for temporary material gain. And, since eyes are the “windows to the soul”, th...
The tongue-in-cheek humor makes “The Lego Movie” oddly more geared towards adults than tots, and Emmett’s existential quest for purpose is relatable in a darker way. As the IndieWire review included, “Emmett never thinks outside the box: He IS the box, and his ordinariness runs deep....
9/11 False Flag Perspectives– starting with“9/11 Truth – Hollywood Speaks Out – The Full Movie”– eye-opening YouTube video narrated by Charlie Sheen. About Women– everything I think I know about women that I’ve learned over more than half a century and I’m still waiting for re...
A1The Sax Thing– The b-side to the “To Look At You” single from March 1983. Jazzy Pengilly composition. A2Long in Tooth– The b-side to the “Don’t Change” single from October 1983. Also on the AustralianDanceEP. Nice chiming synth track. ...
Found this on YouTube. This a trip. It's a sort of a history/discography combo apparently for the blind. Obviously the female narrator is computer generated but they did a good job, better then most I have read. One small correction, in 1999 the year which I was replaced the tour had...