Also ranks #9 on The Greatest Live Action Fairy Tale Movies 23 Tangled 2010 123 votes In the animated adventure Tangled, Rapunzel (voiced by Mandy Moore) is a spirited and determined young woman. Throughout her young life, she's dreamed of escaping her tower to experience the outside world...
In the 1993 coming-of-age film The Sandlot, this soft-spoken, blind former baseball player becomes an unlikely mentor to a group of neighborhood kids. Through his wisdom and generosity, he teaches them the importance of teamwork, hard work, and valuing personal connections ov...
But then I got this little black box deal on the side (You know what I mean?) CHRIS You mean those free satellite TV deals? WAYNE (as though he hadn’t brought it up) You said it, not me. Chris is dazzled by this renaissance man of the plains. Wayne stands to dish out a ...
the bleeding the blessed guru the blind chance the blind girl the bliss o the blondies the blood the blood brothers the blood dyes elegan the blood war in shan the blooming flowers the blue love the blue moon the blue planet a nat the blue-tail fly jim the board of electron the boarding...
and better brake flui and bid this irish na and blind who and blind desire of a and blood vessels and bloodshot and both want you and brazil and bring new challen and brings forth fals and broken dreams and brought it back t and budget recalculat and burned and caffeine and cannot make...
I watched this movie for the third time the other night and I was impressed. Maybe I'm slow on the uptake. The main two characters took their time and warmed up to one another, gradually. These two are wounded ducks, so to speak, each having lost a spouse and that makes them cautiou...
Synopsis: A smart comedy about a day in the life of a barbershop on the south side of Chicago. Calvin (Ice... [More] Starring: Ice Cube, Anthony Anderson, Cedric the Entertainer, Sean Patrick Thomas Directed By: Tim Story Drumline 82% #140 Critics Consensus: Essentially a sports ...
Critics Consensus: One of the best underdog romance movies ever, with an ending that will light up any heart. Synopsis: A hapless but resilient tramp (Charlie Chaplin) falls in love with a blind flower girl (Virginia Cherrill) on the tough... [More] Starring: Charlie Chaplin, Virginia...
Bill's Note: Roger & Me was dropped into the world before Netflix produced hundreds of high-production-value documentaries and back when Michael Moore was unknown outside of a niche segment of the political far left. Moore's controversies of the past 20 years distract from his message here,...
Upside down in the very chill waters of the largest freshwater lake on the planet, we were to knock three times on the side of the boat and then extricate ourselves from our predicament. I had spent one sleepless night worrying about this test, but I have to say, I have been in ...