Nassim Nicholas Taleb主要研究课题是:“在不透明环境下的决策”,作为理智实践者,引导我们如何生活在一个我们并不理解的世界中提供指南或原则。 近期准备读完塔勒布的五本书。包括《黑天鹅》,《随机漫步的傻瓜》,《随机生存的智慧》,《反脆弱》和《非对称风险》。 《黑天鹅 如何应对不可预知的未来》 揭示极其罕见而...
内容简介:A black swan is an event, positive or negative, that is deemed improbable yet causes massive consequences. In this groundbreaking and prophetic book, Taleb shows in a playful way that Black Swan events explain almost everything about our world, and yet we—especially the experts—are ...
《The Black Swan》是Random House Trade Paperbacks出版的图书,作者是Nassim Nicholas Taleb 内容简介 A black swan is an event, positive or negative, that is deemed improbable yet causes massive consequences. In this groundbreaking and prophetic book, Taleb shows in a playful way that Black Swan ...
The Black Swan (Taleb book)World Public Library
《The black swan》是Random House USA出版的图书,作者是Nissim Nicholas Taleb 内容简介 A black swan is a highly improbable event with three principal characteristics: It is unpredictable; it carries a massive impact; and, after the fact, we concoct an explanation that makes it appear less random,...
[黑天鹅].The.Black.Swan.(美)塔勒布.英文文字版 下载积分: 800 内容提示: THE BLACK SWAN T h e I m p a c t o f t h e H I G H L Y IM P R O B A B L E Nassim Nicholas Taleb 文档格式:PDF | 页数:401 | 浏览次数:388 | 上传日期:2015-04-09 17:55:01 | 文档星级: ...
A black swan is an event, positive or negative, that is deemed improbable yet causes massive consequences. In this groundbreaking and prophetic book, Taleb shows in a playful way that Black Swan events explain almost everything about our world, and yet we—especially the experts—are blind to...
The Black Swan的创作者 ··· 纳西姆·尼古拉斯·塔勒布 作者 作者简介 ··· Nassim Nicholas Taleb has devoted his life to immersing himself in problems of luck, uncertainty, probability, and knowledge, and he has led three high-profile careers around his ideas, as a man of letters, as...
《英文原版 The Black Swan 黑天鹅 如何应对不可预知的未来 第二版 Nassim Nicholas Taleb 精装 英文版 进口英语原版书籍》,作者:英文原版 The Black Swan 黑天鹅 如何应对不可预知的未来 第二版 Nassim Nicholas Taleb 精装 英文版 进口英语原版书籍Nassim 著,出版社:Ra