Book Review - The Black Swan (Random House, New York, 2007, 366 pages (hardback) ISBN 978-1-4000-6351-2)'Before the discovery of Australia', the book commences, 'people in the Old World were convinced that all swans were white, an unassailable belief as it seemed completely confirmed ...
在中信出版社看到了中文版目录:序言第一部分 极端斯坦与黑天鹅现象第一章 自我欺骗的人类历史和社会不会爬行。它们会跳跃。它们从一个断层跃上另一个断层,之间只有很少的摇摆。而我们喜欢相信我们能够预测小的逐步演变。我们只是一台巨大的回头看的机器。第二章 出版业的黑天鹅曾被断言只能卖出10本的书,却销售了数...
The Black Swan, in my view, illustrates exactly the beauty of the nature.There are ample opportunities and tremendous risks, the only questions to everyone are:1. Do you know what you are risking?2. Are you in control of your own decision?The book is a mind refresher to me, it not o...
Review: The Black Swan Today, you say Black Swan and images of a crazed Natalie Portman come to mind, but there was an earlier film by that name, a swashbuckler that has been forgotten by many. The first Black Swan is a 1942 adventure starring Tyrone Power and Maureen O’Hara based on...
In his 2007 book The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, Nassim Taleb addresses human inability to process natural randomness, particularly combinations of low predictability and large impact. “It is easy to see that life is the cumulative effect of a handful of ...
and both stars are magnificent to watch. But acting-wise, a burlyLaird Cregar’s uppity persona is a formidable force to match, and an almost unrecognizable George Sanders makes for a competent rival for his wiles and vigor, after all, he is the captain of the titular“The Black Swan”....
“[An]engagingnewbook…TheBlackSwanhasappealingcheekandadmirableambition.” —TheNewYorkTimesBookReview “Arigorousmeditationonthemodernworld.” —TheDailyTelegraph(London) “Funny,quirkyandthought-provoking…[Talebis]engaging,livelyandintelligent.”
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the world inside book the world into chaos the world is a ladder the world is full of the world is getting the world is waiting the world keeps on tu the world of bottled the world of carnegie the world of ice the world of informat the world of legend the world of teddy ru the ...
Forget all of the Scorsese vs comic book movies debate, the only drama you need to know about in this conversation is how good the famed director's latest film, The Irishman, is. One of the best movies on Netflix is long enough to be broken into 4 digestible 'episodes' that are about...