This sequel, though, was to be Grossman’s last novel. He had no readership and it’s hard to say why. Perhaps he was that bit too clear-sighted, lacking the streak of post-Beat sentimentality of his black-comedy confreres Heller and Southern. The rest of his life was spent ignored e...
A novel pig gene, FASTK, differentially expressed in the muscle tissues from Wujin and Large White pigsFASTKmRNA differential displaymuscle tissuepigThe mRNA differential display technique was used to investigate gene expression differences in the longissimus dorsi muscle from Wujin and Large White ...
Our Book Club returns with a new way to approach this year’s SF novel shortlist: we’re reading all the Hugo and Nebula novels in three batches. First up: “Black Sun,”“The City We Became,” and “Piranesi.” Plus: What are we reading?May...
Three novel holozoan taxa were isolated from freshwater and/or freshwater sediments: Syssomonas multiformis, Pigoraptor vietnamica, and Pigoraptor chileana (see STAR Methods for formal taxonomic diagnosis). The most conspicuous characteristic of all of the three is their ability to readily feed ...
In this study, the small RNA transcriptome of the Black flying fox (P. alecto) was sequenced from a pooled tissue sample. MiRDeep2 was used to identify conserved and novel miRNAs, and a variety of methods were employed to assess those predictions. Target prediction and annotation enrichment ...
Chapter 4 - The Blazing Palm that Sent a Pig Up The Tree! Chapter 5 - Destination: Heaven’s Sanctum! Chapter 6 - The Spirit Gem Gobbling Chick Chapter 7 - Mysterious Black Arm! Chapter 8 - The Star of Zephyr Square! Chapter 9 - Twisting A Knife Into His Wound? Chapter 10 - Flame...
Mr Black (M/M) NEW! Father’s Favour (M/M) The Quest For A Bigger Penis (M/M) A Strict Father-in-law (M/M) Instant Message (M/M) Beyond The Locker Room (M/M) The Chair Of Truth (M/M) NEW! The Trouble With Short Shorts (M/M) NEW! An Encounter With Dr Willough...
She told me that she was one of the first women in Paris to have eyelashes made from the hairs of her current lover’s legs. “Imagine,ma petite,” she said, batting two black centipedes at me, “Imagine to yourself the voluptuousness of giving him Japanese kisses with his own hairs. ...
Babe: Pig in the City Babel Baby Driver Baby Face Babylon 5 Back Side of the Moon Back to the Future Back to the Future (series) Back to the Future Part II Back to the Future Part III Bad Boys Bad Boys II Bad Day at Black Rock Bad News Bears, The Bad Santa...
; she wistfully knocked back vodka shots with Garbo on New Years Eve after Berthold left her for a younger woman; her son, Peter, worked on “The African Queen” with John Huston (and later turned the story into the novel White Hunter, Black Heart). Hers was a fruit cake of a life ...