in response to this movement, the phrase “all lives matter” has emerged, its supporters dismissing the black lives matter campaign for singling out one race. the use of this phrase by celebrities and politicians has been met with harsh backlash, with good reason. “all lives matter” is ...
we are signing petitions, we are spreading ways to take action – but there is so much more that can still be done. We are donating $100,000 across national organizations focused on combating racial injustice: Black Lives Matter, NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund and The Minnesota Freedom...
Black lives matter only when they can be used as a convenient political tool. For instance, over 18 million black babies have been exterminated since Roe v. Wade. That’s 1,000 a day. Every two weeks, Planned Parenthood victimizes more blacks than the KKK did in a century. If “Black...
Yet, since Black Lives Matter is a movement and not a brand, there’s no obvious way to control how its symbols are used, or by whom. The Black Lives Matter logo and hashtag have been appropriated by outside interests, ranging from corporations to ideologically opposed protest groups like ...
The man is the Comstock Lode of weird ideas, most of which he has decided to share with the world during his fairly brief time as a public figure, and which are now being eagerly mined by various media concerns. On Thursday, it was The Christian Science Monitor that struck the richest ...
The man is the Comstock Lode of weird ideas, most of which he has decided to share with the world during his fairly brief time as a public figure, and which are now being eagerly mined by various media concerns. On Thursday, it was The Christian Science Monitor that struc...
What is the Black Lives Matter movement and why is it so important? The key dates in the history of Black Lives Matter
Our movement for Black liberation will always continue no matter who is the President. We have never, and will never, bend to the will of political parties. Our objective is always true:Black liberation and eradicating white supremacy.
Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson is a co-founder of Campaign Zero. Credit: AP Photo/Patrick Semansky Activists release campaign framework to combat police brutality Aug. 21, 2015 In late August 2015, activists released a platform called Campaign Zero, which aims to reduce incidents of...
Trump’s campaign clearly believes a good offensive is the best defense. Josephine Walker | Published Aug 06, 2024 Gun-Toting Couple Gets Records Wiped, Wants Weapons BackMY PRECIOUS Mark and Patricia McCloskey went viral in 2020 for waving their guns at Black Lives Matter protesters marching...