The names Claudia and Claudius were adopted as the Romanized forms of an earlier name “Clausus”, which was the Latin spelling of an original Sabine name. The names Claudia/Claudius are most likely Sabine word cognates with “clausus” ("shut, closed"), perfect passive participle of “...
²DavidMattinglyconcludedthattheimpactoftheRomantakeoverwasmorecompli-cated than the Romanization modelmade us believe. Research has to focus more in-tenselyonlocal communities and regional developments.³What did it mean to beRoman and live in Africa?The extentto which Africa was‘Romanized’...
Economic factors, to the extent that they were favourable, played an obvious part in promoting both cultural and political unity. So far asacculturationwas concerned, a limit to its achievement was clearly set by the amount of disposable capital among non-Romanized populations. The cost of such ...