Alexandre Cabanel的作品「维纳斯的诞生 The Birth of Venus 」高清无水印大图免费下载,创作年代:1863,图片尺寸:4032 × 2290 像素,风格:学院派,体裁:神话画,超高清世界名画尽在「麦田艺术」
The Birth of Venus (维纳斯的诞生)1875 亚历山大·卡巴内尔(Alexandre Cabanel) 简介 亚历山大·卡巴内尔(Alexandre Cabanel) 法国学院派画家 亚历山大·卡巴内尔(Alexandre Cabanel,1823年9月28日-1889年1月23日),法国学院派画家。 卡巴内尔出生于法国埃罗省省会,地中海沿岸城市蒙彼利埃。他的绘画以学院艺术风格著称,取材...
The Birth of Venus, 1875 By Alexandre Cabanel “克洛诺斯用燧石镰刀割下其父的生殖器,把它扔进翻腾的大海后,这东西在海上漂流了很长一段时间,忽然一簇白色的浪花从这不朽的肉块周围扩展开去,浪花中诞生了...
Very rarely, two artworks will enter the world at the same time and become inextricable twins, or in the case of Alexandre Cabanel’s Birth of Venus and Manet’s Luncheon on the Grass, opposite sides of the same coin. Let’s set the scene. While Abraham Lincoln was signing the Emancipat...
The Birth of Venus - 維納斯的誕生: 意大利佛羅倫斯的烏菲茲美術館(Uffizi Gallery)有文藝復興時期意大利繪畫大師波提切利(Sandro Botticelli, 1446-1510)的著名十五世紀畫作「維納斯的誕生」(圖2, 維基共享資源照片),描繪的是希臘神話中愛與美之神維納斯由海中泡沫而生,踏在巨大的貝殼上,風神要把她吹到岸上,春神...
Alexandre Cabanel, The Birth of Venus, 1863 9/29 卡拉瓦乔 Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio 1571/9/29-1610/7/18 17世纪最有威望的意大利画家,他以对现实的忠实描绘、充满戏剧性和张力的构图、以及强烈的光影对比手法对后世产生巨大影响。 Caravaggio, Boy with a Basket of Fruit, circa 1595 ...
doi:10.1111/j.1528-3585.2009.00389.xAlexandre CabanelAdolphe JourdanThe Birth of Venus>International Studies Perspectives
71. The Birth Of Venus by Alexandre Cabanel 72. Mars And Venus Allegory Of Peace by Louis-Jean-Francois Lagrenee 73. Red Balloon by Paul Klee 74. The Lady Of Shalott by John William Waterhouse 75. Portrait Of A Gentleman Skating by Gilbert Stuart ...
Naissance de Vénus, Alexandre Cabanel, 1963 La Naissance de Vénus, William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 1879 Birth of Venus, Joel Peter Witkin, 1982 Birth of Venus (After Botticelli), Andy Warhol, 1984 Photograph by Eikoh Hosoe 2003 novel by Sarah Dunant. The story is set in the late 15th century...
Dali Lifting the Skin of the Mediterranean Sea to Show Gala the Birth of Venus(1977) Share this: Share on Tumblr Share ArtBiographyCinemaCouples/PartnersMusesMythologyPhotographyLeave a comment Feb11 Eternal Love Priesthood Luis Buñuel took the photo of Dali in 1929 and Dali took that of Gala...