《一个国家的诞生》(英语:The Birth of a Nation),又名《同族人》(The Clansman),是美国电影史上最有影响力、也最具争议性的电影之一,也因为电影播放时间长达三小时,成为有史以来,世上首部具有真正意义的商业电影影片。 此片由戴维•沃克•格里菲思执导,情节设定在南北战争期间及战后,于1915年2月8日首映。...
The Birth of a Nation: Directed by D.W. Griffith. With Lillian Gish, Mae Marsh, Henry B. Walthall, Miriam Cooper. The Stoneman family finds its friendship with the Camerons affected by the Civil War, both fighting in opposite armies. The development of t
Unfortunately 2016's "Birth of A Nation" mostly disappoints. This film feels more like a made for TV movie than a big budget film. The dialogue felt contrived and the movie was plagued with too many clichés. The film also ignores the darker side of the slave rebellion, in which women ...
Nate Parker‘s “The Birth of a Nation,” a retelling of the 1831 slave rebellion led by Nat Turner, could not be more timely. The rise of Donald Trump and the more blatant expression of racist attitudes that his candidacy has emboldened; the outcry over police brutality and the formation...
“The Birth of a Nation” is perhaps best known for its battle recreations, many of which are of an impressively large scale, employing hundreds of actors and utilizing countless props. To further shake up the visuals, a combination of black-and-white, sepia tones, magenta-tinted scenes, ...
[Everyday, one dream] 影评第四篇。一个国家的诞生 The Birth of a Nation (1915) 正片海报 这是一个伟大的电影,导演也是从1900年好莱坞逐步发展起来后的一个极其伟大的人物。D.W.格里菲斯。再提起这个人,想到了我从初始有恶补好莱坞初期电影的念头开始的那第一部电影《党同伐异》,同样是在超长的时间,同样...
一个国家的诞生 The Birth of a Nation 获奖情况 第32届圣丹斯电影节(2016) 评审团大奖 剧情片 第69届美国导演工会奖(2017) 最佳新人导演奖(提名) 内特·派克 第21届金卫星奖(2017) 电影部门 最佳剪辑(提名) 斯蒂夫·罗森布朗
电影 美国 又名: 国家的诞生(台) 英语 剧情 传记 故事描述于1831年,黑人牧师奈特于美国弗吉尼亚洲,率领黑奴解放非裔美国人的自由运动,最终成为引发内战爆发的导火线。影視資料 訂閱 豆瓣 5.6 1550 IMDb 6.5 21587 首页 一个国家的诞生 上傳 字幕信息 下載次數 上傳人 The.Birth.of.a.Nation.2016.1080p.WEB...
The Birth of a Nation The Birth of a Nation, released in 1915, is both a cinematic masterpiece and an appalling homage to white supremacy. The first movie ever screened at the White House, it introduced innovations in filmmaking such as zoom-ins, close-ups, and fade-outs. The film cost...
又名The Birth of a Nation 국가의 탄생 编剧 内特·派克让·麦克詹尼·西莱斯...主演 内特·派克艾米·汉莫小马克·布恩杰基·厄尔·哈利阿雅·娜奥米·金 剧情 本片讲述1831年,由黑人牧师奈特·特纳领导的著名黑奴暴动的历史故事,同时这也是引发内战爆发... 导赏 Nat特纳,一位前奴隶在美国,导致...