《一个国家的诞生》(英语:The Birth of a Nation),又名《同族人》(The Clansman),是美国电影史上最有影响力、也最具争议性的电影之一,也因为电影播放时间长达三小时,成为有史以来,世上首部具有真正意义的商业电影影片。 此片由戴维•沃克•格里菲思执导,情节设定在南北战争期间及战后,于1915年2月8日首映。...
Early American film scholars often critique the relative ineffectiveness of a single literary work, protest movement or silent film to achieve racial vindication following the release of The Birth of a Nation in 1915. Thomas Cripps, for example, examines a relatively ineffective isolated attempt to ...
Nate Parker’sThe Birth of a Nationtells the story of Nat Turner’s slave rebellion in 1831, commonly known as “Nat’s Fray,” a bloody page from history seldom mentioned in school textbooks. Turner was raised on a Virginia plantation and, being exceptionally bright, he learned to read at...
在我们祖先那时候 In the time of our ancestors 我们族人的循环再世位置就在孩子的手中 the cycle of our people lay in the hands of the children. 在部落中孩子是造物主留下的 A child's position in the tribe was left to the maker. 孩子的方位标志显现要早于大人 Children bearing marks were ...
1.TheThreeGermanicTribesInthemid-5thcenturyanewwaveofinvaders,Jutes,Angles,andSaxonscametoBritain.TheywerethreeGermanictribes.ThreeTeutonic(Germanic)Tribes TribesTheJutestheAngles theSaxons Time in449 Theendofthe5thcenturytothebeginningofthe6thcentury.thesecondhalfofthe6thcentury AreaOccupiedThesoutheast(Kent)...
Learn about the film The Birth of a Nation, explore the plot, and understand its controversial depiction of Americans in the post-civil war...
Inthemid-5thcenturyanewwaveofinvaders, Jutes,Angles,andSaxonscametoBritain.Theywere threeGermanictribes. Three Teutonic (Germanic) Tribes TribesTimeAreaOccupied TheJutesin449 Thesoutheast (Kent) theAngles Theendofthe5th centurytothe beginningofthe 6thcentury. Theeastcoast theSaxons thesecondhalfof the...
[Everyday, one dream] 影评第四篇。一个国家的诞生 The Birth of a Nation (1915) 这是一个伟大的电影,导演也是从1900年好莱坞逐步发展起来后的一个极其伟大的人物。D.W.格里菲斯。再提起这个人,想到了我从初始有恶补好莱坞初期电影的念头开始的那第一部电影《党同伐异》,同样是在超长的时间,同样是如史诗...
of slavery first-hand and decides, after a brutal (fictious) rape on Cherry, to rebel and cause an uprising. The film is a sad one. It is sad because of slavery, because of the brutality, yes...but the saddest part of The Birth of a Nation is the idea of what could have been....
The Birth of a Nation: Directed by D.W. Griffith. With Lillian Gish, Mae Marsh, Henry B. Walthall, Miriam Cooper. The Stoneman family finds its friendship with the Camerons affected by the Civil War, both fighting in opposite armies. The development of t