The Birds: Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. With Rod Taylor, Jessica Tandy, Suzanne Pleshette, Tippi Hedren. A wealthy San Francisco socialite pursues a potential boyfriend to a small Northern California town that slowly takes a turn for the bizarre when bi
WhenThe Birdswas released in 1963 it was a technical as well as aesthetic marvel, combining live action, composite photography, animation, and mechanical as well as live trained birds to produce a whopping 1,400 shots – more than twice the usual number for a feature film. THE END OF THE ...
A wealthy San Francisco socialite pursues a potential boyfriend to a small Northern California town that slowly takes a turn for the bizarre when birds of all kinds suddenly begin to attack people.
有图版: 1963年,希区柯克(Alfred Hitchcock)观看了蒂比•海德莉(Tippi Hedren)的试镜片段后,告诉她:“《群鸟》(The Birds)就要来了。那是我有史以来最具野心的作品,比以往任何影片都更宏大,更优秀,也更恐怖。女主... (展开) 39 6 1回应 Ludwig wong 2012... - Wallpaper - Photos 12 more Sound Clips Unofficial audio commentary Miscellaneous Sites Spanish Actors Compendium Dutch Bodega Bay Online Cinefantastique - The Truth About The Birds (Jun 2001) 25 more ...
On March 28, 1963, Alfred Hitchcock premiered his Psycho feature follow-up, The Birds, in New York. The Hollywood Reporter’s original review, headlined “A Horror Classic With Thrills and Comedy,” is below: Alfred Hitchcock has concocted an elaborate tease inThe Birds, as if to prove that...
年份:1963 地区:美国 类型:悬疑/惊悚/灾难 时长:119 分钟 上映:1963-03-28(美国) 语言:英语 更新:2024-11-22 04:54 豆瓣:8.1 简介:梅兰妮(蒂比·赫德伦饰)是一位富有的女性,她在一家宠物店意外遇到了律师米奇(罗德·泰勒饰),两人坠入爱河。第二天,梅勒妮和她的一对宠物鹦鹉来到米奇居住的小镇博德加湾,...
The Birdsis so much more than it appears to be on the surface. “Hitchcock’s monster movie!” as some may call. And yeah, its easy to be overcome with the vicious attacking birds terrorizing Bodega Bay. However, the film in seminal in the way it provides much more depth and character...
'The Birds' (1963) Alfred J. Hitchcock Productions 'The Birds' (1963) The story itself is terrifying enough: A secluded town is terrorized by flocks of birds. But director Alfred Hitchcock piles on more dread. There's no music score, so the natural flutter of wings and the birds' attac...
29.The Birds (1963) Film Horror Director:Alfred Hitchcock Cast:Tippi Hedren, Rod Taylor Our feathered friends Along withPsycho, this loose spin on a Daphne du Maurier novella marked Hitchcock’s main foray into horror territory.The Birdssees pernicious flocks of birds follow a metropolitan, San ...