The Birds Are Here To Stay 1963 was the year and they are still here, mesmerizing, enthralling, entertaining from beginning to end and no music. The sounds of the birds, the attacks, are the music the movie needs. Tippi Hedren, a Hitchcock blonde, head to toe. We follow her as if we...
有图版: 1963年,希区柯克(Alfred Hitchcock)观看了蒂比•海德莉(Tippi Hedren)的试镜片段后,告诉她:“《群鸟》(The Birds)就要来了。那是我有史以来最具野心的作品,比以往任何影片都更宏大,更优秀,也更恐怖。女主... (展开) ...
I still to this day have to watch it through my fingers covering my eyes - worrying about eyes being pecked out by those Birds! This is actually a lesson to all horror film makers to study to work out just much to show and how much restrain to show when doing horror!
WhenThe Birdswas released in 1963 it was a technical as well as aesthetic marvel, combining live action, composite photography, animation, and mechanical as well as live trained birds to produce a whopping 1,400 shots – more than twice the usual number for a feature film. THE END OF THE ...
A wealthy San Francisco socialite pursues a potential boyfriend to a small Northern California town that slowly takes a turn for the bizarre when birds of all kinds suddenly begin to attack people.
On March 28, 1963, Alfred Hitchcock premiered his Psycho feature follow-up, The Birds, in New York. The Hollywood Reporter’s original review, headlined “A Horror Classic With Thrills and Comedy,” is below: Alfred Hitchcock has concocted an elaborate tease inThe Birds, as if to prove that...
'The Birds' Original Vintage Movie Poster by Boris Grinsson, French, 1963 The Birds In 1 Cart Early 20th Century Garden Birds Educational Poster Birds Czech A1 Film Movie Poster, Josef Vyletal, 1970, Hitchcock In 2 Carts Original Vintage Poster Lexicon Hispano Olivetti Typewriter Graphic Design ...
上映日期: 1963-03-28(美国) 又名: 鸟, Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds, 群鸟 imdb编号: tt0056869 类型: 悬疑, 惊悚, 灾难 简体中文名: 群鸟 语言: 英语 主演: 罗德·泰勒 / 杰西卡·坦迪 / 苏珊娜·普莱舍特 / 蒂比·海德莉 / 维罗尼卡·卡维特 / 艾塞尔·格里菲斯 / 查尔斯·麦格劳 / 鲁斯·麦克德维...
群鸟高清在线观看,鸟,Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds 好看的悬疑电影高清在线观看,群鸟简介:梅兰妮(蒂比·赫德伦饰)是一位富有的女性,她在一家宠物店意外...
1.The Birds Hitchcock's Monster Movie是高清中字花絮《群鸟/The Birds》的第1集视频,该合集共计6集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。