Birdo, also self-referred to as Birdetta and once by the shorthand Birdie, is a recurring character in the Super Mario franchise. She is a prehistoric dinosaur, identified in some early sources as a bird, with a funnel-shaped mouth from which she...
''" - ''Super Mario Advance'' *"''Don't call me Birdo, call me Birdie!''" - ''[[Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga]]'' *"''You may have hurt my darling, but this is as far as you go!''" - ''Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga'' *"''I CAN'T believe I lost to YOU!!!''...
Intermittently, she continued to appear in films, including Bye Bye Birdie (1963), Harper (1966), Night of the Lepus (1972), and Boardwalk (1979). In late 1975, she made her Broadway debut in a production of Murder Among Friends. She would also go on to appear in two horror f...
If she gets a Birdie, Daisy spins around, where her outfit transforms into her default dress before giving the peace sign. If she gets a Bogey, Daisy slowly feels tired and stomps the ground in frustration before looking away. If Daisy gets a Double Bogey, she feels tired; the background...
They sit on a piece of cheese, but it turns out to be on a mousetrap, which goes off, trapping them."}} {{TB|"[[How Munched Is That Birdie in the Window?]]"}} {{TB|NABF02}} {{TBT|473}} {{TB|[[File:Donnie Fatso Couch Gag.png|250px]]}} {{TB|An Advent calendar ...
Bug Birdie is one of Wario's microgames in WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! and returns as one of Wario Deluxe's microgames in WarioWare Gold.
Wario is a recurring character in the Super Mario franchise, designed to be an arch-rival to Mario. He is a muscular, hot-tempered, obese, and greedy character, usually playing the role of an anti-hero or an antagonist; he has also gone on to become...
"How Munched Is That Birdie in the Window?" November 28, 2010 NABF02 471 - 7 "The Fight Before Christmas" December 5, 2010 MABF22 472 - 8 "Donnie Fatso" December 12, 2010 MABF19 473 - 9 "Moms I'd Like to Forget" January 9, 2011 NABF03 474 - 10 "Flaming Moe" January...
GermanBirdie[?]- ItalianGabby[?]Diminutive ofgabbiano("seagull") Korean멍청새[?] MeongcheongsaeFrom "멍청이" (meongcheong'i, "fool") and "새" (sae, "bird") PortugueseGoonie[?]- RussianГуни[16] GuniTranscription of English name ...
Outstanding Original Song – Children's and AnimationAdam Berry, Brandon Sawyer (for "In the Happy Little Land of Hoboken Surprise")WON Primetime Emmy AwardsOutstanding Animated ProgramEpisode: "The Return of the Revenge of Dr. Blowhole"WON ...