147 How synthetic biology could wipe out humanity and how we can srtop itRob Rei 16:37 145 How education helped me rewrite my lifeAshweetha Shetty 10:42 144 How augmented reality is changing activismGlenn Cantave 06:58 143 How a typeface helped launch ApolloDouglas Thomas 14:27 142 ...
Kirchweger, G. (2001). The biology of skin color: black and white. The evolution of race was as simple as the politics of race is complex. Discover, 22 (2), 1-3. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/evolution/library/07/03/text_pop/l_073...
Biology and history are the two reasons for this. Skin contains something called melanin, which determines a person’s skin color. The more melanin a person has, the darker his or her skin will be. The amount of and the production of melanin are controlled by genetics, but can be affected...
Explain the meaning of the term Double-blind as used in Biology. 1. What is the different about cone photoreceptors, that enable them to detect different colored light ? 2. What colors can these cone photoreceptors detect? 3. Where would you find the most cone photoreceptors in the retina?
NATIONAL CENTER FOR CASE STUDY TEACHING IN SCIENCE Page “Te Evolution of Human Skin Color” by Annie Prud’homme-Généreux Part II – Skin Pigmentation and UV Light Why are human populations di erently pigmented? What caused the evolution of an array of di erent skin colors? Humans Were In...
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Machine learning derived retinal pigment score from ophthalmic imaging shows ethnicity is not biology Article Open access 02 January 2025 Environment and culture shape both the colour lexicon and the genetics of colour perception Article Open access 27 September 2021 Negative electroretinograms: ge...
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Microorganisms that reside within or transmit through arthropod reproductive tissues have profound impacts on host reproduction, health and evolution. In this Review, we discuss select principles of the biology of microorganisms in arthropod reproductive