点击次数:0 下载次数:0 发布者: 资源页码:4039 版本号:5 网盘名称:verymed 文件夹:202401 下载链接 1. 癌症生物学.第3版The Biology of Cancer_3rd Edition_Robert A.Weinberg2023P4039_9780393887655电子版.pdf 大小:121.46MB 网盘下载:下载地址 内容简介 ...
Introduction to the Cellular and Molecular Biology of Cancer. 3rd edn. L. M. Franks and N. M. Teich. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1997. No. of pages: 468. Price: 55.00 (Hardback). ISBN: 0 19 854854 0functional equationd’Alembert...
Transcriptional heterogeneity among malignant cells of a tumor has been studied in individual cancer types and shown to be organized into cancer cell states; however, it remains unclear to what extent these states span tumor types, constituting general features of cancer. Here, we perform a pan-ca...
出版社:LWW;第3rd版 出版时间:2020年4月8日 语言:英语 页数:2846页 ISBN-10:1975149114 ISBN-13:978-1975149116 Recent scientific advances have revolutionized cancer research and practice, creating a body of molecular biology information that is important to research scientists and clinical oncologists ali...
There is currently no HER3-targeted therapy approved by the FDA for cancer treatment. This review summarizes our understanding of the unique biology of HER3 in cancer progression and discusses the latest advances in identifying therapeutic antibodies against HER3 for cancer treatment. 2. Unique ...
Ovarian cancer can be split into two groups on the basis of genetic changes: low-grade tumours with mutations inKRAS, BRAFandPIK3CA, loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on chromosome Xq, microsatellite instability and expression of amphiregulin; and high-grade tumours with aberrations inTP53and potential ...
This is the 3rd edition of what has become a standard work in the fields of inhalation toxicology and air pollution science. The editors have, again, put together a series of chapters by recognised authorities: some pick up and develop topics considered in the 2nd, and even 1st editions; ot...
The effect of advances in lung-cancer treatment on population mortality. N Engl J Med. 2020;383(7):640-649. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1916623PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 7. Fritz A, Percy C, Jack A, et al, eds. International Classification of Diseases for Oncology. 3rd edition...
Epigenetic clocks are mathematically derived age estimators that are based on combinations of methylation values that change with age at specific CpGs in the genome. These clocks are widely used to measure the age of tissues and cells1,2. The discrepancy
SP, through the NK-1R, behaves as a universal mitogen in cancer cells. The NK-1R is overexpressed in tumor cells and, in addition, affects the viability of cancer cells. NK-1R antagonists counteract all the previous actions mediated by SP through NK-1R. In a concentration-dependent manner,...