今年6月,Edmund McMillen(你们最爱的E胖),发布消息将制作以撒的结合卡牌游戏:以撒的结合:四魂 (The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls)。其实这个想法早已形成,直至消息发布为止,E胖团队已经将卡牌及内容都已完成得差不多了。他们在Kickstarter上众筹启动了这一项目,截至众筹结束为止(2018/07/27)该项目共筹得2, 6...
The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls 以撒的结合:四魂的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
在今年6月,《以撒的结合》游戏创作者Edmund McMillen开启了一个众筹项目,为自己亲手操刀设计的实体卡牌游戏《以撒的结合:四魂(The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls)》筹集资金。在经过一个月左右的众筹之后,该项目已经筹集到了26.5万美元资金,一起来了解一下。 此前公布的游戏预告: Edmund McMillen在一个月前正式...
THEFOURSOULS.COM as some of you know we launched a Binding of Isaac kickstarter campaign last night and it has already eclipsed the previous one by nearly 1m dollars... in 24 hours! this kickstarter is going to be insane and i have sooo many cool things
Interestingly, player elimination inThe Binding of Isaac: Four Soulsisn’t as harsh as it initially sounds. You will die while playingThe Binding of Isaac: Four Souls. It's less 'elimination' and more 'minor inconvenience.' Players who die lose a loot card, a coin, and exhaust all their...
E胖的新作《以撒的结合:四魂(The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls)》确认为实体卡牌桌游,目前已经开启了Kickstarter众筹。 http://t.cn/RrKKn9D
98 The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls+ 2nd Edition cards Note: This set does not include a foil card. 1-4+ Players | Ages 14+ | 30-60 Minutes Playing Time info: We aim to show you accurate product information.Manufacturers, suppliers and others provide what you see here, and we have ...
of Four Souls will need to act fast before supplies run out. This physical edition is set to ship sometime this summer and can bepre-ordered directly here. For those who want to enjoy the penultimate experience now, The Binding of Isaac: Repentance is available digitally on PC, Switch, ...
Afterbirth+ Repentance Four Souls TLoB Comunidades Aliadas If you see this, your JavaScript might be disabled or DiscordIntegrator plugin isn't working. If the latter, please contact a wiki administrator.Actividad Reciente Sigue en esta página los cambios más recientes de The Binding of Isaac Wi...
今年6月,Edmund McMillen(你们最爱的E胖),发布消息将制作以撒的结合卡牌游戏:以撒的结合:四魂 (The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls)。其实这个想法早已形成,直至消息发布为止,E胖团队已经将卡牌及内容都已完成得差不多了。他们在Kickstarter上众筹启动了这一项目,截至众筹结束为止(2018/07/27)该项目共筹得2, 6...