Danny Baranowsky专辑《The Binding of Isaac》。更多Danny Baranowsky相关专辑下载、在线试听,尽在网易云音乐
Isaac 3 2 2 Judas 1 2 3 Lazarus 3 2 2 Magdalene 4 1 2 Samson 3 2 1 The Lost 0 2 2 Easy “Platinum God” achievement Unlock all other achievements and collect every pedestal item to get the “Platinum God” achievement. Easy “The Mind” achievement Defeat Satan (Boss of Sheol)...
A twisted twin-stick shooter from one of the designers of Super Meat Boy. Players take control of Isaac, a young boy who delves deep into the dungeons of his basement as he is hunted by his deranged mother.
The article reflects on the story of the binding of Isaac, the Akeda, from the book of Torah. It is showed that the story has provoked deep questions such as how can a God of love command Abraham to sacrifice the son Isaac he loves. Furthermore, it d...
本期将继续为大家带来《The Binding of Isaac:afterbirth》 Dedication 献身游戏 解锁:连续参加31次每日关卡。注:解锁药丸"Horf!",使用后下一发眼泪变为吐根炸弹 ZIP! 闪电行动 解锁:在20分钟内通过暗室(Dark Room)。注:解锁卡牌"方片A",使用后将当前房间所有掉落转化为硬币 It's the Key 第一“钥”务 解锁...
The Binding Of Isaac, Pt. 1, Genesis 22:1-19, Stephen Feinstein 扬声器 Stephen Feinstein 已录入 类别 没有系列 圣经文本 讲道ID 播放计数 2023年10月23日 周日服务 Genesis 神造萬物書 22:1-19 102323234524134 254 下载 分享 The Binding Of Isaac, Pt. 1, Genesis 22:1-19 最新讲道 The Highest...
The article reflects on the story of the binding of Isaac, the Akeda, from the book of Torah. It is showed that the story has provoked deep questions such as how can a God of love command Abraham to sacrifice the son Isaac he loves. Furthermore, it describes Abraham as a man who lov...
《以撒的结合:重生》(The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth) ,通称重生,是电脑游戏《以撒的结合》的重制版。该作由独立游戏开发商Nicalis制作,Edmund担任监督。该作于2014年11月4日于Steam上线,支持Windows、OS X和Linux系统,以及PlayStation 4和PlayStation Vita。2015年7月23日,该作又在Xbox One、3DS和Wii U平台上...