"the bind value at index 1 is null" 是一个常见的数据库操作错误,通常出现在使用预编译语句(Prepared Statements)与数据库进行交互时。这个错误表明在尝试执行一个SQL语句时,期望在索引位置1绑定一个值,但实际上绑定的是一个null值。这可能会导致SQL执行失败,尤其是当该位置的值是必需的(例如,作为WHERE子句的...
while(c.moveToNext()) { } 这里我是想调用数据库,取得查询结果,问题追踪了一下,我传值的cntrct_no是null,他提示的the bind value at index is null我一直认为下面while里面获取数据的时候的index的第二列数据有误,后来才明白是这里绑定的第一个数据有问题。
greendao 报错 the bind value at index 1 is null greenpla,简介greenplum是一个面向OLAP场景的开源分布式数据库,其在OLTP场景也具有众多应用,如银行,金融以及物流等领域。在分布式系统中确保分布式事务的一致性是重点研究对象之一,常见的策略如下:两阶段提交、三阶
Steps to Reproduce the Problem I've got this issue from Crashlytics report so there's no way to reproduce the problem Expected Behavior Show Instabug screen Actual Behavior App crashed Instabug integration code Instabug.Builder(this,Cons...
Greendao 条件查询数据报错 the bind value at index 2 is null 导致报错的方法: xxxDao.queryBuilder().where(xxxDao.Properties.XXX.eq(value).unique() xxxDao.queryBuilder().where(xxxDao.Properties.XXX.notEq(value).unique() ... 先说下解决方法:就是对以上的方法的调用传入的 value值做空判断。
(); // Parse the markup to insert missing tags // Find the first occurrence of > and insert int insertPoint; insertPoint = gridMarkup.IndexOf(">") + 1; // len of > gridMarkup = gridMarkup.Insert(insertPoint, ""); insertPoint = gridMarkup.IndexOf("") + 5;...
public ActionResult Create( [Bind(Include="ProductId,Description,CreatedDate,ModifiedDate")] Product product) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (product is IControllerHooks) { ((IControllerHooks)product).OnCreate(); } db.Products.Add(product); db.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("...
Applying same text modification in several lines Cool or not? Leave only the numbered lines. Com(m)a Trouble Words in parens Swap values inside brackets A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014 ! Increment each number Vice versa Resort and deup a CSV list Delete to the end of the current line Simple text...
IPBDA_Services::GetRecordByIndex method (Windows) CallWndProc callback function (Windows) Enumeration Types To Import Several Media Files into Windows DVD Maker at the Same Time Structures Scene1Button Element InterlockedBitTestAndComplement function (Windows) AuthProtocol (Windows) ITransformProperties ...
Only one view (the one whose index is assigned to the MultiView's ActiveViewIndex property) is displayed at a time, but you can switch views by changing the active view index. MultiView.aspx uses a MultiView control to show three views of the North...