Journal of Ethicsb. The International Bill of Human Rights. Geneva: United Nations.Office of the UN High Commission for Human Rights. (1996) The International Bill of Human Rights. (Online) Retrieved 28 May 2006 from...
必应词典为您提供The-International-Bill-of-Human-Rights的释义,网络释义: 世界人权宣言;国际人权公约;国际人权法案;
Concepts that we think of as central to our lives lay in the history of Human Rights and the Bill of Rights. These are ideas such as freedom of speech, the right to a fair trial, the right to own land, the right to representation, and giving consent to be governed. Natural Rights al...
The Bill of Rights, a SummaryIntroduction to the Foundation of Human RightsWhen the Constitution was being discussed by the founding fathers of the United States, they discovered a problem. The question was, "Is it enough to just expect the government to respect those "inalienable rights" we ...
humanrightscovenantdeclarionalion FactSheetNo.2(Rev.1),TheInternationalBillofHumanRights Allhumanbeingsarebornfreeandequalindignityandrights.Theyareendowedwithreason andconscienceandshouldacttowardsoneanotherinaspiritofbrotherhood. UNIVERSALDECLARATIONOFHUMANRIGHTS(art.1), adoptedbyGeneralAssemblyresolution217A(III)...
摘要: Reviews two books on international affairs. 'The International Bill of Human Rights,' edited by Paul Williams; 'U.S. Ratification of the Human Rights Treaties: with or without reservations?,' edited by Richard B. Lillich.年份: 1981 ...
Australia and the Birth of the International Bill of Human Rights 1946-1966 Australia and the Birth of the International Bill of Human Rights provides the first in depth examination of Australia's first reactions to 'international ... A Devereux - 《Australian Journal of Politicalence》 被引量:...
Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution, adopted as a single unit in 1791. They constitute a collection of mutually reinforcing guarantees of individual rights and of limitations on federal and state governments. The guarantees i
好文共賞:THE BILL OF RIGHTS 《 人權憲章》 美國第31任總統胡佛(Herbert Hoover)在1935年9月17日在三藩市向國民發表演說節錄 The aroused interest of today is again the rights of men (1). Today the issue is the rights of the individual in relation to the government; this too involves the fate... of rights 1.A formal summary of those rights and liberties considered essential to a people or group of people:a consumer bill of rights. 2.Bill of RightsThe first ten amendments to the US Constitution, added in 1791 to protect certain rights of citizens. ...