Idiom: big on Enthusiastic about; partial to: "a patriotic youth organization big on military-style marching drills" (Earl Swift). [Middle English, perhaps of Scandinavian origin.] big′gish adj. big′ly adv. big′ness n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth ...
P218220. English Idiom - Rob talks about Losing my Mind! 02:06 P219221. How to Say T in English Pronunciation like a Native Speaker Go Natural Eng 04:06 P220222. What is Go Natural English 02:11 P221223. Speak Fluent English and Make Your English Telephone Conversations Better i 02:...
shoot - utter fast and forcefully; "She shot back an answer" let loose, let out, utter, emit - express audibly; utter sounds (not necessarily words); "She let out a big heavy sigh"; "He uttered strange sounds that nobody could understand" 18. shoot - measure the altitude of by usi...
The meaning of ON THE LOOKOUT FOR is looking or searching for (something or someone). How to use on the lookout for in a sentence.
Instead, the new “diversity” idiom, first enunciated in Justice Powell’s famous swing-vote opinion in the Supreme Court’s seminal Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978) decision, couched American society in the history-distorting colors of a symmetric “nation of minorities...
Definition of larger than life in the Idioms Dictionary. larger than life phrase. What does larger than life expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.
(Like Cheyney, Child is a British writer expertly faking an American pulp idiom.) The town’s sherriff, Morrison, claims he saw Reacher leave the scene of the crime; but Roscoe, a female detective, believes him to be innocent. The action is fast and furious: Reacher battles an Aryan ...
Word, phrase or idiom for reaping the consequences of false belief in being able to control chaotic results What movie is the quote "Have I been here all night... alone?" "If you don't count me, yes." from? Can the next POTUS legally reverse a previously passed ...
ThefirstwaythatEnglishlearnersshootthemselvesinthefootiswhentheysaythatthey'lldosomethingbutthentheydon't.英语学习者搬起石头砸自己的脚的第一种情况是当他们说他们会做某事,但后来他们并没有做。Theydon'tfollowthrough.他们没有坚持到底。AndmaybeyouthinkEmma, that'snobigdeal.也许你认为,艾玛,没什么大不了...
idiom out in left fie ifabp rabbit intestin ii cobaltii hypophosp iiadvanced technology illicium imperial college of in the rain im callin independence day indicating a standpoi inf belly button informatics- informat inhbp rat inhibin bin intrinsic interest its all a i ve studied i npi i - ...